Recent, rapid radiations present a challenge for phylogenetic reconstruction. Fast successive speciation events typically lead to low sequence divergence and poorly resolved relationships with standard phylogenetic markers. Target sequence capture of many independent nuclear loci has the potential to improve phylogenetic resolution for rapid radiations. Here we applied target sequence capture with 353 protein-coding genes (Angiosperms353 bait kit) to Veronica sect. Hebe (common name hebe) to determine its utility for improving the phylogenetic resolution of rapid radiations. Veronica section Hebe originated 5-10 million years ago in New Zealand, forming a monophyletic radiation of ca 130 extant species. We obtained approximately 150 kbp of 353 protein-coding exons and an additional 200 kbp of flanking noncoding sequences for each of 77 hebe and two outgroup species. When comparing coding, noncoding, and combined data sets, we found that the latter provided the best overall phylogenetic resolution. Whileer study of rapid radiations. To explore racial disparities in self-reports of violent victimization and polyvictimization among young girls in Brazil and to analyze the distribution of prevalence rates across race groups and the estimated odds of exposure. Data from girls ages 15 and above (N=14,809) from the 2015 edition of PeNSE (National Adolescent School-based Health Survey) were analyzed. Survey weighted proportions and bivariate and multivariate logistic regressions were used to address the objectives. Independent of the girls' age, socioeconomic status, and region of residence, black, indigenous, mixed, and Asian descendant girls (relative to Whites) were more likely to report past experiences of being bullied, suffering physical violence, forced sexual intercourse, and polyvictimization (reporting all three events). Blacks had the highest rates of reporting being bullied and polyvictimization. Asian descendant