le of proprioception in human motor learning.Host-associated microbial communities play important roles in wildlife health, but these dynamics can be influenced by environmental factors. Urbanization has numerous effects on wildlife; however, the degree to which wildlife-associated bacterial communities and potential bacterial pathogens vary across urban-rural/native habitat gradients remains largely unknown. We used 16S rRNA gene amplicon sequencing to examine bacterial communities found on Mountain Chickadee (Poecile gambeli) feathers and nests in urban and rural habitats. The feathers and nests in urban and rural sites had similar abundances of major bacterial phyla and dominant genera with pathogenic members. However, richness of bacterial communities and potential pathogens on birds were higher in urban habitats, and potential pathogens accounted for some of the differences in bacterial occurrence between urban and rural environments. We predicted habitat using potential pathogen occurrence with a 90% success rate for feather bacteria, and a 72.2% success rate for nest bacteria, suggesting an influence of urban environments on the presence of potential pathogens. We additionally observed similarities in bacterial communities between nests and their occupants, suggesting bacterial transmission between them. These findings improve our understanding of the bacterial communities associated with urban wildlife and suggest that urbanization impacts the composition of wildlife-associated bacterial communities.The present study uniquely examined the influence of old age and adiposity on maximal concentric and eccentric torque and fatigue of the elbow and knee (KF, KE) flexors and extensors. Forty males were recruited and categorised into young (n = 21, 23.7 ± 3.4) and old (n = 19, 68.3 ± 6.1) and then further into normal (young = 16.9 ± 2.5%, old = 20.6 ± 3.1%) and high adiposity (young = 28.9 ± 5.0%, old = 31.3 ± 4.2%) groups. Handgrip strength, sit-to-stand performance, and isokinetic assessments of peak torque at 60°, 120° and 180°·s-1 were measured. Older men produced significantly less concentric and eccentric peak torque (P 0.30) and perceived muscle soreness, measured up to 72 hours after, was only enhanced in the upper body of the young group following eccentric fatigue (P = 0.009). Despite the impact of adiposity on skeletal muscle function being comparable between ages, these results suggest high adiposity will have greater impact on functional performance of older adults. Novelty Irrespective of age, high adiposity may negatively impact force to body mass ratio and muscle quality in a muscle and contractile mode specific manner. Whilst the magnitude of adiposity effects is similar across ages, the impact for older adults will be more substantial given the age-related decline in muscle function. All postgraduate residency programs in Canada are transitioning to a competency-based medical education (CBME) model divided into 4 stages of training. Queen's University has been the first Canadian institution to mandate transitioning to CBME across all residency programs, including Diagnostic Radiology. This study describes the implementation of CBME with a focus on the third developmental stage, Core of Discipline, in the Diagnostic Radiology residency program at Queen's University. We describe strategies applied and challenges encountered during the adoption and implementation process in order to inform the development of other CBME residency programs in Diagnostic Radiology. At Queen's University, the Core of Discipline stage was developed using the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada's (RCPSC) competence continuum guidelines and the CanMEDS framework to create radiology-specific entrustable professional activities (EPAs) and milestones for assessment. https://www.selleckchem.com/products/dj4.html New committees, administrative pon developing the Core of Discipline stage and potential solutions to facilitate this process. To explore the association between carotid artery length and tortuosity, and the occurrence of stroke. In this retrospective study, IRB approved, 411 consecutive patients (males 245; median age 56 ± 12 years, age range 21-93 years) with anterior circulation ischemic stroke were included. Only patients that underwent CTA within 7 days were considered and stroke caused by cardiac embolism and thoracic aorta embolism were excluded. For each patient, both carotid arteries were considered, and the ICA, CCA-ICA length and tortuosity were calculated. Inter-observer analysis was quantified with the Bland-Altman test. Mann-Whitney test and logistic regression analysis were also calculated to test the association between length and tortuosity with the occurrence of stroke. In the final analysis, 166 patients (males 72; median age 54 ± 12 years, age range 24-89 years) with anterior circulation ischemic stroke that were admitted to our hospital between February 2008 and December 2013 were included. The results showed a good concordance for the length of the vessels with a mean variation of 0.7% and 0.5% for CCA-ICA and ICA length respectively an for the tortuosity with a mean variation of 0.2% and -0.4% for CCA-ICA and ICA respectively. The analysis shows a statistically significant association between the tortuosity index of the ICA and CCA-ICA sides with stroke ( value = 0.0001 in both cases) and these findings were confirmed also with the logistic regression analysis. Results of this study suggest that tortuosity index is associated with the presence of stroke whereas the length of the carotid arteries does not play a significant role. Results of this study suggest that tortuosity index is associated with the presence of stroke whereas the length of the carotid arteries does not play a significant role. Previous studies have stated that closely matching the size of the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) insertion site footprint is important for biomechanical function and clinical stability after ACL reconstruction. However, the ACL varies widely regarding the area of femoral insertion, tibial insertion, and midsubstance of ACL, and reconstructing the insertion site area with a uniform diameter graft can result in a cross-sectional area that is greater than that of the midsubstance of the native ACL. Therefore, understanding the effect of relative graft size in ACL reconstruction on knee biomechanics is important for surgical planning. To assess how the percentage of femoral insertion site affects knee biomechanics in single- and double-bundle ACL reconstruction. Controlled laboratory study. A total of 14 human cadaveric knees were scanned with magnetic resonance imaging and tested using a robotic system under an anterior tibial load and a combined rotational load. In total, 7 knee states were evaluated intact ACL; deficient ACL; single-bundle ACL reconstruction with approximate graft sizes 25% (small), 50% (medium), and 75% (large) of the femoral insertion site; and double-bundle reconstruction of approximately 50% (medium) and 75% (large) of the femoral insertion site, based on the ratio of the cross-sectional area of the graft to the area of the femoral ACL insertion site determined by magnetic resonance imaging.