This review explores the innovations in electrochemical biosensing based on the various electroanalytical techniques including voltammetry, impedance, amperometry and potentiometry and discusses their potential in diagnosis of emerging and re-emerging infectious diseases (Re-EIDs), which are potential pandemic threats.We analyzed the daily incidence of newly reported COVID-19 cases among adults aged 20-39 years, 40-59 years, and 60 or more years in the sixteen most populous counties of the state of Florida from March 1 through June 27, 2020. In all 16 counties, an increase in reported COVID-19 case incidence was observed in all three age groups soon after the governor-ordered Full Phase 1 reopening went into effect. Trends in social mobility, but not trends in testing, track case incidence. Data on hospitalization do not support the hypothesis that the observed increase in case incidence was merely the result of liberalization of testing criteria. Parameter estimates from a parsimonious two-group heterogeneous SIR model strongly support the hypothesis that younger persons, having first acquired their infections through increasing social contact with their peers, then transmitted their infections to older, less socially mobile individuals. Without such cross-infection, an isolated epidemic among older people in Florida would be unsustainable.Telecommuting has been on the rise in the U.S. and working from home may affect how workers allocate their time over the course of a day. In this paper, using a seemingly unrelated regression (SUR) framework, we examine differences in time spent in major activities between individuals who worked from home and away from home. We use data on prime working-age adults (age 25-54 years old) who participated in the 2017-18 Leave and Job Flexibilities Module of the American Time Use Survey. Results show that prime working-age American adults who worked from home during their diary day spent less time working and on personal care, but more time on leisure, sleeping, and on food production and consumption than those who worked away from home. For instance, among individuals with a spouse or partner present, those who worked from home spent 25 more minutes engaged in food production and 48 more minutes eating and drinking at home than did individuals who worked away from home, which are large relative to the sample averages of 33 and 31 min, respectively. These results show that there is important variation in the daily time allocation of workers in their prime working years and suggest in particular that working from home may allow for substantially more time to produce food and consume food at home, which may provide teleworkers with health benefits since home-produced meals tend to be lower in calories and higher in nutrients than meals prepared away from home. In many countries, elderly patients with chronic conditions require a web of services delivered by several providers collaborating in inter-organisational networks. In view of their global importance, it is surprising how little we know how these networks are led. Like traditional organisations, networks require leadership to function effectively. This paper reviews central characteristics of leadership in integrated care networks and proposes opportunities for future research. Analysing 73 studies published in leading academic journals, this paper consolidates research on leadership media, practices, activities and outcomes, covering the network, policy and organisation levels of analysis. Findings indicate that the field has focused on leadership media and outcomes at the network level. They also suggest that leadership in integrated care networks faces multiple tensions. Future research could usefully provide a fuller picture by examining leadership practices, activities and outcomes at the policy and organisation level, integrating advances in the wider leadership literature. These findings contribute to the debate on leadership in integrated care networks. They also inform practice, drawing attention to persistent tensions as a core leadership challenge and offering latest scholarly evidence practitioners can use to reflect on and advance their own leadership practice. These findings contribute to the debate on leadership in integrated care networks. They also inform practice, drawing attention to persistent tensions as a core leadership challenge and offering latest scholarly evidence practitioners can use to reflect on and advance their own leadership practice. We assessed a novel, public, vertical integrated care model for glaucoma management in the community. This study was a retrospective, longitudinal study of 266 patients diagnosed or suspected of glaucoma. Patients were stratified to either ongoing ophthalmology-led (n = 81) or optometry-led shared care (n = 185). Demographics and clinical characteristics, including the re-referral rate and timeliness of follow up were analysed. Just under half (565/1224, 46%) of all follow up consultations over the total study period of 45 months were seen in optometry-led care, with a re-referral rate to ophthalmology of 21%. Treated patients showed a median intraocular pressure reduction of 20% and a median time delay of just two days between the actual and recommended review period. Shared care provides an effective option for managing the ongoing care burden in chronic stable glaucoma cases at low risk of vision loss. Shared care provides an effective option for managing the ongoing care burden in chronic stable glaucoma cases at low risk of vision loss.Omeprazole, a proton pump inhibitor blocks the H+/K+-ATPase channels of gastric parietal cells. It is used for the treatment of peptic ulcer. Prolonged use of omeprazole may involve in inducing anemia. The key marker of eryptosis includes membrane blebbing, cell shrinkage and phosphatidylserine (PS) exposure at the cell surface. In current study, the eryptotic, oxidative as well as hemolytic effects of therapeutical doses (0.5, 1 and 1.5 µM) of omeprazole were investigated after exposing erythrocytes for 48 hours. Investigation of eryptosis was done by cell size measurement, PS exposure determination and calcium channel inhibition. As a possible mechanism of omeprazole induced eryptosis, oxidative stress was investigated by determining the catalase, glutathione peroxidase and superoxide dismutase activities. Similarly, necrotic effect of omeprazole on erythrocytes was also evaluated through hemolysis measurement. Results of our study illustrated that 1.5 µM of omeprazole may induce significant decrease in superoxide dismutase, glutathione peroxidase and catalase activities as well as triggered the erythrocytes shrinkage, PS exposure and hemolysis.