Food preference ranking and market surveys revealed the acceptance of marbled crayfish as a cheap source of animal protein; a clear positive in a country with widespread malnutrition. While data on biodiversity impacts of the marbled crayfish invasion in Madagascar are still completely lacking, this study provides insight into the socio-economic impacts of the dramatic spread of this unique invasive species. "Biby kely tsy fantam-piaviana, mahavelona fianakaviana" (a small animal coming from who knows where which supports the needs of the family). Government worker Analamanga, Madagascar.In this work, a detailed study of structural, electrical and magnetic characterization of (GaMn)Sb diluted magnetic semiconductors (DMS) is presented. (GaMn)Sb thin films were grown by DC magnetron co-sputtering method as an innovative procedure to fabricate III-V DMS. The presence of unusual Mn2Sb2 and Mn2Sb secondary phases, induced by substrate temperature and deposition time, were revealed through XRD measurements. Magnetization measurements allow determining crossover between a paramagnetic-like to a ferromagnetic-like behavior controlled by secondary phases. It was found that both, the magnetic remanence and magnetic coercivity, increases with substrate temperature. Interestingly, the magnetic response is paramagnetic at lower deposition times and substrate temperatures, and XRD measurements suggest the absence of Mn2Sb and Mn2Sb2 in secondary phases. For longer deposition times or higher substrate temperature, XRD shows the presence of Mn2Sb2 and Mn2Sb phases and ferromagnetic-like behavior. The DC resistivity of our samples was characterized and the carrier density was determined by Hall measurements and, in contrast with the reported in other studies, found them to be a p-type semiconductor with carrier densities as big as one order of magnitude larger than reported values. From the ferromagnetic-like samples, evidence of an anomalous Hall-effect in the sample was found, with higher magnetic saturation and a anomalous Hall conductivity of 2380 S/cm. All the results point to a contribution of the secondary phases to the overall magnetic response of the samples used, and suggest the importance of studying the formation of secondary phases in the growth of DMS, especially, for the case of (GaMn)Sb where Mn ion can have multiple oxidation states.Chinese solar greenhouses are unique facility agriculture buildings and widely used in northeastern China, providing a favorable requirement for crop growth. The north wall configurations play an essential role in heat storage and thermal insulation and directly affect the management of the internal environment. This research is devoted to further improve the thermal performance of the greenhouse and explore the potential of the north wall. A mathematical model was designed to investigate the concave-convex wall configurations based on computational fluid dynamics. Four passive heat-storage north walls were analyzed by using the same constituent materials, including a plane wall, a vertical wall, a horizontal wall and an alveolate wall. The numerical model was validated by experimental measurements. The temperature distributions of the north walls were examined and a comparative analysis of the heat storage-release capabilities was carried out. The results showed that the heat-storage capacity of the north wall is affected by the surface structure. Moreover, the critical factor influencing the air temperature is the sum of the heat load released by the wall and the energy increment of greenhouse air. The results suggested that the alveolate wall has preferable thermal accumulation capacity. The concave-convex wall configurations have a wider range of heat transfer performance along the thickness direction, while the plane wall has a superior thermal environment. This study provides a basic theoretical reference to rationally design the internal surface structures of the north wall.Drug induced liver injury (DILI) is one of the key safety concerns in drug development. To assess the likelihood of drug candidates with potential adverse reactions of liver, we propose a compound attributes-based approach to predicting hepatobiliary disorders that are routinely reported to US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Adverse Event Reporting System (FAERS). Specifically, we developed a support vector machine (SVM) model with recursive feature extraction, based on physicochemical and structural properties of compounds as model input. Cross validation demonstrates that the predictive model has a robust performance with averaged 70% of both sensitivity and specificity over 500 trials. An independent validation was performed on public benchmark drugs and the results suggest potential utility of our model for identifying safety alerts. This in silico approach, upon further validation, would ultimately be implemented, together with other in vitro safety assays, for screening compounds early in drug development.In order to investigate the impact of confinement in a car trunk on decomposition and insect colonization of carcasses, three freshly killed pig (Sus scrofa domesticus Erxleben) carcasses were placed individually in the trunks of older model cars and deployed in a forested area in the southwestern region of British Columbia, Canada, together with three freshly killed carcasses which were exposed in insect-accessible protective cages in the same forest. Decomposition rate and insect colonization of all carcasses were examined twice a week for four weeks. The exposed carcasses were colonized immediately by Calliphora latifrons Hough and Calliphora vomitoria (L.) followed by Lucilia illustris (Meigen), Phormia regina (Meigen) and Protophormia terraenovae (R.-D.) (Diptera Calliphoridae). There was a delay of three to six days before the confined carcasses were colonized, first by P. regina, followed by Pr. terraenovae. These species represented the vast majority of blow fly species on the confined carcasses. Despite the delay in colonization, decomposition progressed much more rapidly in two of the confined carcasses in comparison with the exposed carcasses due to the greatly increased temperatures inside the vehicles, with the complete skeletonization of two of the confined carcasses ocurring between nine and 13 days after death. One confined carcass was an anomaly, attracting much fewer insects, supporting fewer larval calliphorids and decomposing much more slowly than other carcasses, despite similarly increased temperatures. It was later discovered that the vehicle in which this carcass was confined had a solid metal fire wall between the passenger area and the trunk, which served to reduce insect access and release of odors. These data may be extremely valuable when analyzing cadavers found inside vehicle trunks.