Cognitive, language, and motor development were delayed in 38%, 81%, and 50% of patients, respectively. Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) was diagnosed in 20.5%. Fetal MRI lesion sum scores were significantly associated with cognitive and motor development, and with ASD diagnosis, but not with epilepsy characteristics. Fetal cerebral lesion scores correlate with neurodevelopment and ASD at 2years in children with TSC. Fetal cerebral lesion scores correlate with neurodevelopment and ASD at 2 years in children with TSC. Cardiovascular disease is a leading cause of mortality in patients with juvenile-onset systemic lupus erythematosus (JSLE). Traditional factors for cardiovascular risk (CVR) prediction are less robust in younger patients. More reliable CVR biomarkers are needed for JSLE patient stratification and to identify therapeutic approaches to reduce cardiovascular morbidity and mortality in JSLE. Serum metabolomic analysis (including >200 lipoprotein measures) was performed on a discovery (n=31, median age 19) and validation (n=31, median age 19) cohort of JSLE patients. Data was analysed using cluster, receiver operating characteristic analysis and logistic regression. RNA-sequencing assessed gene expression in matched patient samples. Hierarchical clustering of lipoprotein measures identified and validated two unique JSLE groups. Group-1 had an atherogenic and Group-2 had an atheroprotective lipoprotien profile. Apolipoprotein(Apo)BApoA1 distinguished the two groups with high specificity (96.2%) and sensitiRC Doctoral Training Programme and Versus Arthritis. Lupus UK, The Rosetrees Trust, British Heart Foundation, UCL & Birkbeck MRC Doctoral Training Programme and Versus Arthritis.Highly sensitive assays for anti-drug antibodies (ADAs) are both a regulatory requirement and requisite for proper evaluation of the effects of immunogenicity on clinical efficacy and safety. Determination of ADA assay sensitivity depends on positive control antibodies to represent naturally occurring or treatment-induced ADA responses. An accurate determination of the proportion of drug-specific antibodies in these polyclonal positive control batches is critical for correct evaluation of assay sensitivity. Target purification of positive control antibodies is commonly applied but infers the risk to lose a proportion of the antibodies. This may lead to an incorrect estimate of the ADA assay sensitivity, especially if high-affinity antibodies are lost that may be representative of natural ADAs with clinical implication. The Surface Plasmon Resonance platform on the Biacoreā„¢ systems offers methods for real-time analysis of biomolecular interactions without introducing any modifications to the analysed material.ion extends the relevance of the CFCA technology to analysis of immunogenicity for accurate quantification of ADAs in both the polyclonal positive control and in clinical samples. To test whether crowdsourced lay raters can accurately assess cataract surgical skills. Two-armed study independent cross-sectional and longitudinal cohorts. Washington University Department of Ophthalmology. Sixteen cataract surgeons with varying experience levels submitted cataract surgery videos to be graded by 5 experts and 300+ crowdworkers masked to surgeon experience. Cross-sectional study 50 videos from surgeons ranging from first-year resident to attending physician, pooled by years of training. Longitudinal study 28 videos obtained at regular intervals as residents progressed through 180 cases. Surgical skill was graded using the modified Objective Structured Assessment of Technical Skill (mOSATS). Main outcome measures were overall technical performance, reliability indices, and correlation between expert and crowd mean scores. Experts demonstrated high interrater reliability and accurately predicted training level, establishing construct validity for the modified OSATS. Crowd scores werery duration generated a more accurate predictive model for surgical skill. More studies are needed before crowdsourcing can be reliably used for assessing surgical proficiency. Crowdsourced rankings correlated with expert scores, but were not equivalent; crowd scores overestimated technical competency, especially for novice surgeons. A novel approach of adjusting crowd scores with surgery duration generated a more accurate predictive model for surgical skill. More studies are needed before crowdsourcing can be reliably used for assessing surgical proficiency. Impaired quality of life (QoL) is considered as a nonclassical manifestation of primary hyperparathyroidism (PHPT). This study aimed to detect and compare changes in the QoL of patients with asymptomatic PHPT who had successful curative parathyroidectomy (PTX) 3 months and 3 years after the procedure. Patients with diagnosed PHPT were eligible for the study. There were 2 groups the PTX group, with patients who underwent PTX, and the non-PTX group, with patients who were treated conservatively. QoL was assessed using Pasieka's Parathyroid Assessment of Symptoms Questionnaire (PAS-Q) at baseline, 3 months, and 3 years. Thirty-eight patients were included in the study 18 in the PTX group and 20 in the non-PTX group. In the PTX group, the mean PAS-Q total score before PTX was 518, which was reduced significantly at the 3-month (P = .003) and 3-year assessments (P= .001). However, in the non-PTX group, the mean PAS-Q total score was 326 at baseline and increased continuously for 3 years (P= .019). At the 3-year evaluation, the mean total score was significantly higher compared to that of the PTX group (P= .021). Finally, there was a positive correlation between total serum calcium and PAS-Q score in the non-PTX group (r= 0.524, P= .018). QoL of patients with PHPT improved significantly compared to that in conservative surveillance as early as 3 months after successful, curative PTX, and remained improved for 3 years. This finding strengthens, even more, the hypothesis that PTX contributes to better QoL, suggesting that the derangement of QoL may be considered as an individual indication for surgery. QoL of patients with PHPT improved significantly compared to that in conservative surveillance as early as 3 months after successful, curative PTX, and remained improved for 3 years. This finding strengthens, even more, the hypothesis that PTX contributes to better QoL, suggesting that the derangement of QoL may be considered as an individual indication for surgery.