High-throughput reporter assays such as self-transcribing active regulatory region sequencing (STARR-seq) have made it possible to measure regulatory element activity across the entire human genome at once. The resulting data, however, present substantial analytical challenges. Here, we identify technical biases that explain most of the variance in STARR-seq data. We then develop a statistical model to correct those biases and to improve detection of regulatory elements. This approach substantially improves precision and recall over current methods, improves detection of both activating and repressive regulatory elements, and controls for false discoveries despite strong local correlations in signal.Transposable element (TE) invasions have shaped vertebrate genomes over the course of evolution. They have contributed an extra layer of species-specific gene regulation by providing novel transcription factor binding sites. In humans, SINE-VNTR-Alu (SVA) elements are one of three still active TE families; approximately 2800 SVA insertions exist in the human genome, half of which are human-specific. TEs are often silenced by KRAB zinc finger (KZNF) proteins recruiting corepressor proteins that establish a repressive chromatin state. A number of KZNFs have been reported to bind SVAs, but their individual contribution to repressing SVAs and their roles in suppressing SVA-mediated gene-regulatory effects remains elusive. We analyzed the genome-wide binding profile for ZNF91 in human cells and found that ZNF91 interacts with the VNTR region of SVAs. Through CRISPR-Cas9-mediated deletion of ZNF91 in human embryonic stem cells, we established that loss of ZNF91 results in increased transcriptional activity of SVAs. In contrast, SVA activation was not observed upon genetic deletion of the ZNF611 gene encoding another strong SVA interactor. Epigenetic profiling confirmed the loss of SVA repression in