zed aspects of AD-PHP1B that are likely to have implications for genetic testing and counseling. © 2020 American Society for Bone and Mineral Research (ASBMR).Voluntary and community sector organisations are increasing their role in supporting primary care services through 'social prescribing'. parkrun is a charity that delivers free, weekly 5 km events, on a Saturday morning in areas of open space across the UK and globally. In June 2018, parkrun and the Royal College of General Practitioners launched an initiative to encourage the linking of general practitioner practices and local parkrun events. This study investigates the interaction between parkrun events and practices in order to understand why and how parkrun events' promote such linkage, and their experiences of doing so. Its purpose was to provide practical recommendations for developing the parkrun practice initiative and similar collaborations between primary care and voluntary and community sector organisations. An online survey, which included both tick box questions and free text comments was sent to Event Directors for all UK parkrun events and completed by half (322/634, 50.8%). Over two-thirds (22nd community sector organisations.A quantitative method was developed for the direct identity confirmation and quantification of alendronate using CE-MS combined with a pH-assisted focusing technique, dynamic pH barrage junction focusing. A pH-induced variation in electrophoretic mobility led to online focusing of alendronate at the sample/pH barrage boundary, significantly improving the detection sensitivity. In addition, the use of a flow-through microvial CE electrospray interface and the multiple reaction monitoring mode of MS further improved the specificity and quantification capability of this technology. This quantitative method presented a wide linear dynamic range over 8-2000 ng/mL and an LOD of 2 ng/mL. A 460-fold improvement in sensitivity wa