The occurrence of cardiac surgery-associated acute kidney injury (CSA-AKI) increases hospital stay and mortality. MicroRNAs has a crucial role in AKI. This objective of the current study is to explore the function of hsa-miR-494-3p in inflammatory response in human kidney tubular epithelial (HK2) cells with hypoxia/reoxygenation. According to KDIGO standard, patients after cardiac surgery with cardiopulmonary bypass were divided into two groups AKI (n = 10) and non-AKI patients (n = 8). HK2 were raised in the normal and hypoxia/reoxygenation circumstances and mainly treated by overexpression ofmiR-494-3p and HtrA3. The relationship between miR-494-3p and HtrA3 was determined by dual-luciferase reporter assay. Our result showed that Hsa-miR-494-3p was elevated in the serum of patients with CSA-AKI, and also induced in hypoxic reoxygenated HK2 cells. Hsa-miR-494-3p also increased a hypoxia-reoxygenation induced inflammatory response in HK2 cells. Moreover, as a target gene of miR-494-3p, overexpression of HtrA3 downregulated the hypoxia-reoxygenation induced inflammatory response in HK2 cells. Overexpression of hsa-miR-494-3p-induced inflammatory response was inhibited by overexpression of HtrA3. Collectively, we identified that hsa-miR-494-3p, a miRNA induced in both circulation of AKI patients and hypoxia-reoxygenation-treated HK2 cells, enhanced renal inflammation by targeting HtrA3, which may suggest a possible role as a new therapeutic target for CSA-AKI.Regression models are often used to predict age of an individual based on methylation patterns. Artificial neural network (ANN) however was recently shown to be more accurate for age prediction. Additionally, the impact of ethnicity and sex on our previous regression model have not been studied. Furthermore, there is currently no age prediction study investigating the lower limit of input DNA at the bisulfite treatment stage prior to pyrosequencing. Herein, we evaluated both regression and ANN models, and the impact of ethnicity and sex on age prediction for 333 local blood samples using three loci on the pyrosequencing platform. Subsequently, we trained a one locus-based ANN model to reduce the amount of DNA used. We demonstrated that the ANN model has a higher accuracy of age prediction than the regression model. Additionally, we showed that ethnicity did not affect age prediction among local Chinese, Malays and Indians. Although the predicted age of males were marginally overestimated, sex did not impact the accuracy of age prediction. Lastly, we present a one locus, dual CpG model using 25 ng of input DNA that is sufficient for forensic age prediction. In conclusion, the two ANN models validated would be useful for age prediction to provide forensic intelligence leads.Impaired wound healing is an immense medical challenge, and while autologous skin grafting remains the "gold-standard" therapeutic option for repairing wounds that cannot be closed by primary or secondary intention, it is limited by substantial donor site morbidity. We previously developed the alternative approach of harvesting full-thickness skin tissue in the form of "micro skin tissue columns" (MSTCs), without causing scarring or any other long-term morbidity. In this study we investigated how MSTC treatment affects the different cellular processes involved in wound healing. We found that MSTC-derived cells were able to remodel and repopulate the wound volume, and positively impact multiple aspects of the wound healing process, including accelerating re-epithelialization by providing multiple cell sources throughout the wound area, increasing collagen deposition, enhancing dermal remodeling, and attenuating the inflammatory response. These effects combined to enhance both epidermal and dermal wound healing. This MSTC treatment approach was designed for practical clinical use, could convey many benefits of autologous skin grafting, and avoids the major drawback of donor site morbidity.Shelled pteropods are widely regarded as bioindicators for ocean acidification, because their fragile aragonite shells are susceptible to increasing ocean acidity. While short-term incubations have demonstrated that pteropod calcification is negatively impacted by ocean acidification, we know little about net calcification in response to varying ocean conditions in natural populations. Here, we examine in situ calcification of Limacina helicina pteropods collected from the California Current Ecosystem, a coastal upwelling system with strong spatial gradients in ocean carbonate chemistry, dissolved oxygen and temperature. Depth-averaged pH ranged from 8.03 in warmer offshore waters to 7.77 in cold CO2-rich waters nearshore. Based on high-resolution micro-CT technology, we showed that shell thickness declined by ~ 37% along the upwelling gradient from offshore to nearshore water. Dissolution marks covered only ~ 2% of the shell surface area and were not associated with the observed variation in shell thickness. We thus infer that pteropods make thinner shells where upwelling brings more acidified and colder waters to the surface. Probably the thinner shells do not result from enhanced dissolution, but are due to a decline in calcification. Reduced calcification of pteropods is likely to have major ecological and biogeochemical implications for the cycling of calcium carbonate in the oceans.Microfluidic focusing of particles (both synthetic and biological), which enables precise control over the positions of particles in a tightly focused stream, is a prerequisite step for the downstream processing, such as detection, trapping and separation. In this study, we propose a novel hydrodynamic focusing method by taking advantage of open v-shaped microstructures on a glass substrate engraved by femtosecond pulse (fs) laser. The fs laser engraved microstructures were capable of focusing polystyrene particles and live cells in rectangular microchannels at relatively low Reynolds numbers (Re). Numerical simulations were performed to explain the mechanisms of particle focusing and experiments were carried out to investigate the effects of groove depth, groove number and flow rate on the performance of the groove-embedded microchannel for particle focusing. We found out that 10-µm polystyrene particles are directed toward the channel center under the effects of the groove-induced secondary flows in low-Re flows, e.