Drawing from a study of archaeological excavation teams, four collective curation opportunities are proposed to identify and resolve differences in data and documentation practices that arise in team-based research. To create more integrated, well-documented data, the opportunities attend to integrating people rather than technology. The actions people take as data move through the life cycle become the focal point of change.Machine learning has become a standard tool for medical researchers attempting to model disease in various ways, including building models to predict response to medications, classifying disease subtypes, and discovering new therapies. In this preview, we review a paper that utilizes quantum computation in order to tackle a critical issue that exists with medical datasets they are small, in that they contain few samples. The authors' work demonstrates the possibility that these quantum-based methods may provide an advantage for small datasets and thus have a real impact for medical researchers in the future.Babur et al. (2021) developed the CausalPath tool to infer causal signaling interactions in high-throughput proteomics data that may foster mechanical understanding from large-scale biological datasets.Determining the tissue- and disease-specific circuit of biological pathways remains a fundamental goal of molecular biology. Many components of these biological pathways still remain unknown, hindering the full and accurate characterization of biological processes of interest. Here we describe ACSNI, an algorithm that combines prior knowledge of biological processes with a deep neural network to effectively decompose gene expression profiles (GEPs) into multi-variable pathway activities and identify unknown pathway components. Experiments on public GEP data show that ACSNI predicts cogent components of mTOR, ATF2, and HOTAIRM1 signaling that recapitulate regulatory information from genetic perturbation and transcription factor binding datasets. Our framework provides a fast and easy-to-use method to identify components of signaling pathways as a tool for molecular mechanism discovery and to prioritize genes for designing future targeted experiments (https//github.com/caanene1/ACSNI).Three dissimilar methodologies in the field of artificial intelligence (AI) appear to be following a common path toward biological authenticity. This trend could be expedited by using a common tool, artificial nervous systems (ANS), for recreating the biology underpinning all three. ANS would then represent a new paradigm for AI with application to many related fields.The shift of attention from the decline of organized religion to the rise of post-Christian spiritualities, anti-religious positions, secularity, and religious indifference has coincided with the deconstruction of the binary distinction between "religion" and "non-religion"-initiated by spirituality studies throughout the 1980s and recently resumed by the emerging field of non-religion studies. The current state of cross-national surveys makes it difficult to address the new theoretical concerns due to (1) lack of theoretically relevant variables, (2) lack of longitudinal data to track historical changes in non-religious positions, and (3) difficulties in accessing small and/or hardly reachable sub-populations of religious nones. We explore how user profiling, text analytics, automatic image classification, and various research designs based on the integration of survey methods and big data can address these issues as well as shape non-religion studies, promote its institutionalization, stimulate interdisciplinary cooperation, and improve the understanding of non-religion by redefining current methodological practices.One of the most challenging frontiers in biological systems understanding is fluorescent label-free imaging. We present here the NeuriTES platform that revisits the standard paradigms of video analysis to detect unlabeled objects and adapt to the dynamic evolution of the phenomenon under observation. Object segmentation is reformulated using robust algorithms to assure regular cell detection and transfer entropy measures are used to study the inter-relationship among the parameters related to the evolving system. We applied the NeuriTES platform to the automatic analysis of neurites degeneration in presence of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) and to the study of the effects of a chemotherapy drug on living prostate cancer cells (PC3) cultures. Control cells have been considered in both the two cases study. Accuracy values of 93% and of 92% are achieved, respectively. NeuriTES not only represents a tool for investigation in fluorescent label-free images but demonstrates to be adaptable to individual needs.The transition of energy grids toward future smart grids is challenging in every way politically, economically, legally, and technically. While many aspects progress at a velocity unthinkable a generation ago, one aspect remained mostly dormant human electricity consumers. The involvement of consumers thus far can be summarized by two questions "Should I buy the eco-friendly appliance? Will solar pay off for me?" However, social and psychological aspects of consumers can profoundly contribute to resilient smart grids. https://www.selleckchem.com/products/c188-9.html This vision paper explores the role of active consumer-producers (prosumers) in the resilient operation of smart energy grids. We investigate how data can empower people to become more involved in energy grid operations, the potential of heightened awareness, mechanisms for incentives, and other tools for enhancing prosumer actions toward resilience. We further explore the potential benefits to people and system when people are active, aware participants in the goals and operation of the system.We present a computational method to infer causal mechanisms in cell biology by analyzing changes in high-throughput proteomic profiles on the background of prior knowledge captured in biochemical reaction knowledge bases. The method mimics a biologist's traditional approach of explaining changes in data using prior knowledge but does this at the scale of hundreds of thousands of reactions. This is a specific example of how to automate scientific reasoning processes and illustrates the power of mapping from experimental data to prior knowledge via logic programming. The identified mechanisms can explain how experimental and physiological perturbations, propagating in a network of reactions, affect cellular responses and their phenotypic consequences. Causal pathway analysis is a powerful and flexible discovery tool for a wide range of cellular profiling data types and biological questions. The automated causation inference tool, as well as the source code, are freely available at http//causalpath.org.