All methods studied utilized unsorted, primary murine testicular cell suspensions and used commonly accessible culture resources. These testicular organoid generation techniques provide a highly accessible and reproducible toolkit for research initiatives into testicular organogenesis and physiology in vitro.Electroporation has established itself as a critical method for transferring specific genes into cells to understand their function. Here, we describe a single-cell electroporation technique that maximizes the efficiency (~80%) of in vitro gene transfection in excitatory and class-specific inhibitory neurons in mouse organotypic hippocampal slice culture. Using large glass electrodes, tetrodotoxin-containing artificial cerebrospinal fluid and mild electrical pulses, we delivered a gene of interest into cultured hippocampal CA1 pyramidal neurons and inhibitory interneurons. Moreover, electroporation could be carried out in cultured hippocampal slices up to 21 days in vitro with no reduction in transfection efficiency, allowing for the study of varying slice culture developmental stages. With interest growing in examining the molecular functions of genes across a diverse range of cell types, our method demonstrates a reliable and straightforward approach to in vitro gene transfection in mouse brain tissue that can be performed with existing electrophysiology equipment and techniques.The adult mammalian heart is composed of various cell types including cardiomyocytes, endothelial cells and fibroblasts. Since it is difficult to reliably identify nuclei of cardiomyocytes on histological sections, many groups rely on isolating viable cardiomyocytes prior to fixation to perform immunostaining. However, these live cardiomyocyte isolation techniques require optimization to maximize the yield, viability and quality of the samples, with inherent fluctuations from sample to sample despite maximum optimization. Here, we report a reproducible protocol, involving fixation prior to enzymatic digestion of the heart, which leads to maximum yield while preserving the in vivo morphology of individual cardiomyocytes. We further developed an automated analysis platform to determine the number of nuclei and DNA content per nucleus for individual cardiomyocytes. After exposing the chest cavity, the heart was arrested in diastole by perfusion with 60 mM KCl in PBS. Next, the heart was fixed in 4% paraformaldehyde (PFA) solution, and then digested with 60 mg/mL collagenase solution. After digestions, cells were singularized by trituration, and the cardiomyocyte fraction was enriched via differential centrifugation. Isolated cardiomyocytes were stained for Troponin T and α-actinin to assess purity of the obtained population. Furthermore, we developed an image analysis platform to determine cardiomyocyte nucleation and ploidy status following DAPI staining. Image based ploidy assessments led to consistent and reproducible results. Thus, with this protocol, it is possible to preserve native morphology of individual cardiomyocytes to allow immunocytochemistry and DNA content analysis while achieving maximum yield.Spermatogenesis is a unique differentiation process that ultimately gives rise to one of the most distinct cell types of the body, the sperm. Differentiation of germ cells takes place in the cytoplasmic pockets of somatic Sertoli cells that host 4 to 5 generations of germ cells simultaneously and coordinate and synchronize their development. Therefore, the composition of germ cell types within a cross-section is constant, and these cell associations are also known as stages (I-XII) of the seminiferous epithelial cycle. Importantly, stages can also be identified from intact seminiferous tubules based on their differential light absorption/scatter characteristics revealed by transillumination, and the fact that the stages follow each other along the tubule in a numerical order. This article describes a transillumination-assisted microdissection method for the isolation of seminiferous tubule segments representing specific stages of mouse seminiferous epithelial cycle. The light absorption pattern of seminiferous tubules is first inspected under a dissection microscope, and then tubule segments representing specific stages are cut and used for downstream applications. Here we describe immunostaining protocols for stage-specific squash preparations and for intact tubule segments. This method allows a researcher to focus on biological events taking place at specific phases of spermatogenesis, thus providing a unique tool for developmental, toxicological, and cytological studies of spermatogenesis and underlying molecular mechanisms.Ongoing observational clinical research has prioritized understanding the human immune response to SARS-CoV-2 during the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic. Several recent studies suggest that immune dysregulation with early and prolonged adaptive immune system activation can result in cellular exhaustion. In this issue of the JCI, Files et al. compared cellular immune phenotypes during the first two months of COVID-19 in hospitalized and less severe, non-hospitalized patients. The authors utilized flow cytometry to analyze circulating peripheral blood mononuclear cells. Both patient cohorts maintained B and T cell phenotypes consistent with activation and cellular exhaustion throughout the first two months of infection. Additionally, follow-up samples from the non-hospitalized patient cohort showed that activation markers and cellular exhaustion increased over time. These findings illustrate the persistent nature of the adaptive immune system changes that have been noted in COVID-19 and suggest longer term effects that may shape the maintenance of immunity to SARS-CoV-2.BACKGROUNDPsoriasis is a chronic inflammatory skin disease associated with increased obesity, noncalcified coronary artery burden (NCB), and incident myocardial infarction. Here, we sought to assess the relationship among inflammation, visceral adipose tissue (VAT), and NCB. Furthermore, we evaluated whether improvement in VAT would be associated with reduction in NCB over time in psoriasis.METHODSConsecutive psoriasis patients underwent coronary CT angiography to quantify NCB and abdominal CT to calculate VAT at baseline (n = 237), 1 year (n = 176), and 4 years (n = 50).RESULTSPatients with high levels of high-sensitivity C-reactive protein (hs-CRP) had significantly greater visceral adiposity (17,952.9 ± 849.2 cc3 vs. 13370.7 ± 806.8 cc3, P less then 0.001) and noncalcified coronary burden (1.26 ± 0.03 vs. 1.07 ± 0.02 mm2) than those with low levels of hs-CRP. Those with higher levels of VAT had more systemic inflammation (hs-CRP, median [IQR], 2.5 mg/L [1.0-5.3 mg/L] vs. 1.2 mg/L [0.6-2.9 mg/L]), with approximately 50% higher NCB (1.