ion proved to be significantly more rigid than an anterior-only construct. Osteoarthritis of the knee is a very common condition that has been difficult to treat. The majority of cases are considered idiopathic. Much research effort remains focused on biology rather than the biomechanics of such joints. Some new methods were developed and validated to better appreciate the subtleties of the biomechanical integrity of joints, and how changes in biomechanics can contribute to osteoarthritis. Over the past 15years our lab has enhanced the sensitivity of the assessment of knee biomechanics of an instrumented, trained large animal model (sheep) of osteoarthritis and integrated the findings with biological and histological assessments. These new methods include gait analysis before and after injury followed by robotic validation post-sacrifice, and more recently using Fibre Bragg Grating sensors to detect alterations in cartilage stresses. A review of the findings obtained with this model are presented. The findings indicate that sheep, like humans, exhibit individual characteristics. They also indicate that joint kinetics, rather than kinematics may better define the alterations induced by injury. With the addition of Fibre Bragg Grating sensors, it has been possible to measure with good accuracy, alterations to cartilage stresses following a controlled knee injury. Using this model as Proof of Concept, this sheep system can now be viewed as a sensitive platform to address many questions related to risk for development of idiopathic osteoarthritis of the human knee, the efficacy of potential interventions to correct biomechanical disruptions, and how joint biomechanics and biology are integrated during aging. Using this model as Proof of Concept, this sheep system can now be viewed as a sensitive platform to address many questions related to risk for development of idiopathic osteoarthritis of the human knee, the efficacy of potential interventions to correct biomechanical disruptions, and how joint biomechanics and biology are integrated during aging. Hunt and Hess (HH) and World Federation of Neurological Surgeons (WFNS) grades are commonly used to report clinical severity of aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage (aSAH). We sought to determine the impact of early neurological changes and the timing of clinical grade assignment on the prognostication accuracy. We retrospectively reviewed a cohort of consecutive patients with aSAH who were admitted to an academic center. Patients with confirmed aneurysmal cause were included. Relevant clinical data including daily clinical grades, imaging data and functional outcome were analyzed. Favorable outcome was defined as mRS 0 to 3. Early neurological improvement (ENI) and early neurological deterioration (END) were respectively defined as any improvement or deterioration of HH grades from hospital day 1 to the earliest time from hospital day 2 to 5. Of 310 patients, 24% experienced early neurological changes from hospital day 1 to 3. For each point increase in HH grades from day 1 to day 3, the odds ratio for worse outcome was 2.57 (95% CI [1.74-3.79]) and for each point decrease in HH grades from day 1 to day 3, the odds ratio for worse outcome was 0.28 (95% CI [0.17-0.47]). Receiver Operating Characteristic curve analysis revealed that clinical grades on day 3 had higher accuracy in predicting worse outcome than clinical grades on day 1. Early changes in neurological status can alter trajectory of hospital course and functional outcome. The prognostic accuracy of the clinical grades from hospital day 3 is significantly greater than those on admission. Early changes in neurological status can alter trajectory of hospital course and functional outcome. The prognostic accuracy of the clinical grades from hospital day 3 is significantly greater than those on admission.Coronavirus is a novel human pathogen causing fulminant respiratory syndrome (COVID-19). Although COVID-19 is primarily a disease of the lungs with florid respiratory manifestations, there are increasing reports of cardiovascular, musculoskeletal, gastrointestinal, and thromboembolic complications. Developing an effective and reliable vaccine was emergently pursued to control the catastrophic spread of the global pandemic. We report a fatal case of vaccine-induced immune thrombotic thrombocytopenia (VITT) after receiving the first dose of the ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 vaccine. We attribute this fatal thrombotic condition to the vaccine due to the remarkable temporal relationship. The proposed mechanism of VITT is production of rogue antibodies against platelet factor-4 resulting in massive platelet aggregation. Healthcare providers should be aware of the possibility of such fatal complication, and the vaccine recipients should be warned about the symptoms of VITT.Assessing and modelling the water quality in a water distribution system (WDS) are highly important to ensure a reliable supply with sufficient water quality. Owing to the high computational burden of such an analysis, frequently, simplifications are required or surrogate models are used (e.g., reducing the level of detail of the network model), neglecting significant aspects. For large (currently all-pipe) models and/or recurrent simulations (e.g., integrated studies, sensitivity analysis, deep uncertainty analysis, design, and optimization), the computational burden further increases. In this study, a novel complex network analysis-based approach for high-computational efficiency water quality assessment in a WDS is developed and comprehensively tested (R² values in comparison with state-of-the-art nodal water qualities in median of 0.95 are achieved). The proposed model is successfully utilized in a design study to identify the design solutions exceeding water quality thresholds with a correct identification rate between 96% and 100%. The computational efficiency is determined to be a factor 4.2e-06 less than that of state-of-the-art models. Therefore, the proposed model significantly improves the water quality assessment for such tasks in large WDSs.The UV/H2O2 process is a benchmark advanced oxidation process (AOP) that in situ generates highly reactive and nonselective hydroxyl radical (•OH) to oxidatively destroy a wide range of organic compounds. Accurately quantifying the concentration of short-lived •OH is essential to predict process performance, optimize the operation parameters, and compare with other process options. The •OH concentration is typically measured using organic probe molecules that react with •OH but not with other oxidants. In the extremely well-characterized UV/H2O2 system in which •OH is proven to be the dominant oxidant, using photolysis-resistant probes such as benzoic acid and its derivatives is a widely agreed and practiced norm. We herein report that certain •OH probe compounds can be degraded in UV/H2O2 system by unknown reactive species that has not been reported in the past. Several common organic probes, particularly p-substituted benzoic acid compounds (i.e., p-hydroxybenzoic acid, p-chlorobenzoic acid, and p-phthalic acid), were found to be vulnerable to attack by the unknown reactive species, leading to false quantification of •OH concentration under high radical scavenging conditions.