The gut microbiota's metabolome is composed of bioactive metabolites that confer disease resilience. Probiotics' therapeutic potential hinges on their metabolome altering ability; however, characterizing probiotics' metabolic activity remains a formidable task. In order to solve this problem, an artificial model of the human gastrointestinal tract is introduced coined the ABIOME (A Bioreactor Imitation of the Microbiota Environment) and used to predict probiotic formulations' metabolic activity and hence therapeutic potential with machine learning tools. The ABIOME is a modular yet dynamic system with real-time monitoring of gastrointestinal conditions that support complex cultures representative of the human microbiota and its metabolome. The fecal-inoculated ABIOME was supplemented with a polyphenol-rich prebiotic and combinations of novel probiotics that altered the output of bioactive metabolites previously shown to invoke anti-inflammatory effects. To dissect the synergistic interactions between exogenous probiotics and the autochthonous microbiota a multivariate adaptive regression splines (MARS) model was implemented towards the development of optimized probiotic combinations with therapeutic benefits. Using this algorithm, several probiotic combinations were identified that stimulated synergistic production of bioavailable metabolites, each with a different therapeutic capacity. Based on these results, the ABIOME in combination with the MARS algorithm could be used to create probiotic formulations with specific therapeutic applications based on their signature metabolic activity.The inability to individuate finger movements is a common impairment following stroke. Conventional physical therapy ignores underlying neural changes with recovery, leaving it unclear why sensorimotor function often remains impaired. Functional MRI neurofeedback can monitor neural activity and reinforce it towards a healthy template to restore function. However, identifying an individualized training template may not be possible depending on the severity of impairment. In this study, we investigated the use of functional alignment of brain data across healthy participants to create an idealized neural template to be used as a training target for new participants. We employed multi-voxel pattern analyses to assess the prediction accuracy and robustness to missing data of pre-trained functional templates corresponding to individual finger presses. We found a significant improvement in classification accuracy (pā€‰ less then ā€‰0.001) of individual finger presses when group data was aligned based on function (88%) rather than anatomy (46%). Importantly, we found no significant drop in performance when aligning a new participant to a pre-established template as compared to including this new participant in the creation of a new template. These results indicate that functionally aligned templates could provide an effective surrogate training target for patients following neurological injury.To explore the effects of urea dissociation on reducing false-positive results of the Elecsys HIV combi PT assay. A retrospective analysis was used to evaluate the false-positive rate of the Elecsys HIV combi PT assay. Six false-positive sera, six positive sera and six sera from patients with early HIV infection were collected. Dissociation was performed using 1 mol/L, 2 mol/L, 4 mol/L, 6 mol/L, or 8 mol/L urea, and HIV screening assay were then detected to select the appropriate concentration of urea dissociation. Next, 55 false-positive sera and 15 sera from early HIV infection were used to verify the best concentration of urea to achieve dissociation. Retrospective analysis showed that the COI of the Elecsys HIV combi PT assay in false-positive sera ranged from 1.0 to 200.0, and approximately 97.01%(227/234) of false-positive sera were in the range of 1.0-15.0. The avidity index (AI) in positive and false-positive sera decreased as the urea dissociation concentration increased. When the dissociation concentration was 6 mol/L, the AI of false-positive serum was between 0.0234 and 0.2567, and the AI of early HIV infection sera was between 0.4325 and 0.5017. The difference in AI between false-positive and positive samples was significant. When negativity was defined as an AI of less than 0.3970, the sensitivity and specificity were 100.0% and 100.0%, respectively. Urea-mediated dissociation could significantly reduce the false-positive rate of the Elecsys HIV combi PT assay with a low COI. Our findings provided a reference for distinguishing positive and false-positive of the Elecsys HIV combi PT assay.The ovules and egg cells are well developed to be fertilized at anthesis in many flowering plants. However, ovule development is triggered by pollination in most orchids. In this study, we characterized the function of a Bsister gene, named PeMADS28, isolated from Phalaenopsis equestris, the genome-sequenced orchid. Spatial and temporal expression analysis showed PeMADS28 predominantly expressed in ovules between 32 and 48 days after pollination, which synchronizes with integument development. Subcellular localization and protein-protein interaction analyses revealed that PeMADS28 could form a homodimer as well as heterodimers with D-class and E-class MADS-box proteins. In addition, ectopic expression of PeMADS28 in Arabidopsis thaliana induced small curled rosette leaves, short silique length and few seeds, similar to that with overexpression of other species' Bsister genes in Arabidopsis. Furthermore, complementation test revealed that PeMADS28 could rescue the phenotype of the ABS/TT16 mutant. Together, these results indicate the conserved function of Bsister PeMADS28 associated with ovule integument development in orchid.In mammalian testes, undifferentiated spermatogonia (Aundiff) undergo differentiation in response to retinoic acid (RA), while their progenitor states are partially maintained by fibroblast growth factors (FGFs). Sertoli valve (SV) is a region located at the terminal end of seminiferous tubule (ST) adjacent to the rete testis (RT), where the high density of Aundiff is constitutively maintained with the absence of active spermatogenesis. However, the molecular and cellular characteristics of SV epithelia still remain unclear. In this study, we first identified the region-specific AKT phosphorylation in the SV Sertoli cells and demonstrated non-cell autonomous specialization of Sertoli cells in the SV region by performing a Sertoli cell ablation/replacement experiment. The expression of Fgf9 was detected in the RT epithelia, while the exogenous administration of FGF9 caused ectopic AKT phosphorylation in the Sertoli cells of convoluted ST. Furthermore, we revealed the SV region-specific expression of Cyp26a1, which encodes an RA-degrading enzyme, and demonstrated that the increased RA levels in the SV region disrupt its pool of Aundiff by inducing their differentiation.