In this research, we have demonstrated some important pathways in haemocytes in which itaconate can be involved after its production in a bacterial infection.An 8-week growth trial was conducted to study enterohepatic recirculation of bile acid metabolism and the intestinal microbiota of Amur sturgeon (Acipenser schrenckii) fed with three diets, including 540 g/kg, 270 g/kg or 0 g/kg fishmeal, which was correspondingly replaced by a plant protein blend (named P0, P50 and P100, respectively). The diets were designed to be isonitrogenous, isoenergetic and essential nutrients balanced. With rising levels of dietary plant protein, disruption of the spiral valve intestinal microbiota and more morbidity with liver disease were observed in the P100 group, although there were no haematological abnormalities observed. An obvious bile acids enterohepatic circulation disorder was found with phenotypes of increased liver bile acids compensatory synthesis, and reduced expression of bile acid receptors (FXR and TGR5), which induced BA accumulative toxicity. Accompanied by increased oxidative stress, it further induced hepatic lesions and hypoimmunity, which were non-negligible reasons for the high mortality and low utilization ability of plant protein by Amur sturgeon.The colorful outer mantle of giant clams contains abundance of symbiotic dinoflagellates (zooxanthellae) and iridocytes, and has direct exposure to light. In light, photosynthesizing dinoflagellates produce O2, and the host cells in the outer mantle would be confronted with hyperoxia-related oxidative stress. In comparison, the whitish inner mantle contains few symbiotic dinoflagellates and no iridocytes. It is involved in shell formation, and is shaded from light. CuZnSOD is a cytosolic enzyme that scavenges intracellular O2-. We had obtained from the outer mantle of the fluted giant clam, Tridacna squamosa, the complete cDNA coding sequence of a host-derived copper zinc superoxide dismutase (CuZnSOD), which comprised 462 bp and encoded for 154 amino acids with a calculated MW of 15.6 kDa. CuZnSOD was expressed strongly in the outer mantle, ctenidium, hepatopancreas and kidney. The transcript level of CuZnSOD remained unchanged in the outer mantle during light exposure, but the protein abundance of CuZnSOD increased ~3-fold after exposure to light for 6 or 12 h. By contrast, 12 h of light exposure had no significant effects on the gene and protein expression levels of CuZnSOD/CuZnSOD in the inner mantle. Hence, the increased expression of CuZnSOD in the outer mantle of T. squamosa was probably a host's response to ameliorate oxidative stress related to photosynthesis in the symbionts, and not simply due to increased metabolic rate in the host cells. Evidently, the host clam must possess light- or O2-responsive anti-oxidative defenses in order to align with the light-dependent photosynthetic activity of its symbionts.Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) plays a role in different neurophysiological processes, including those involved in alcohol- and anxiety-related behaviors. Preclinical and clinical studies indicate that chronic excessive alcohol use leads to a downregulation of BDNF production in the periphery and in the brain. In addition, a decrease in BDNF concentrations in the blood has been reported to be associated with increased anxiety levels. Non-treatment-seeking alcohol-dependent individuals with high trait anxiety were studied to assess whether serum BDNF concentrations may be linked to self-reported levels of alcohol drinking, anxiety, and other behavioral measures. Participants had a current diagnosis of alcohol dependence, high trait anxiety score, and were not seeking treatment for alcohol dependence or anxiety. A fasting blood sample was collected from each participant and serum BDNF was measured using an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Behavioral data were collected on the same day, including measures of alcohol drinking, craving, dependence severity, and anxiety. Bivariate correlations were run between BDNF levels and behavioral measures. Serum BDNF concentrations were negatively correlated with average drinks per drinking days (r = -0.41, p = 0.02) and positively correlated with obsessive-compulsive drinking scale (r = 0.48, p = 0.007) and state-trait anxiety inventory (r = 0.52, p = 0.003) scores. These findings shed light on the possible role of the BDNF system in the neurobiology of alcohol- and anxiety-related behaviors. Paternal alcohol abuse is a well-recognized risk factor for the development of an alcohol use disorder (AUD). In addition to genetic and environmental risk factors, heritable epigenetic factors also have been proposed to play a key role in the development of AUD. However, it is not clear whether epigenetic factors contribute to the genetic inheritance in families affected by AUD. We used reciprocal crosses of the alcohol-preferring (P) and -nonpreferring (NP) rat lines to test whether epigenetic factors also impacted alcohol drinking in up to two generations of offspring. F1 offspring derived by reciprocal breeding of P and NP rats were tested for differences in alcohol consumption using a free-choice protocol of 10% ethanol, 20% ethanol, and water that were available concurrently. In a separate experiment, an F2 population was tested for alcohol consumption not only due to genetic differences. These rats were generated from inbred P (iP) and iNP rat lines that were reciprocally bred to produce geneticallsumption in the P and NP rat model of AUD. These results demonstrate that epigenetic and/or non-genetic factors mapping to rat chromosome 4 contribute to a transgenerational paternal effect on alcohol consumption in the P and NP rat model of AUD.Reductionist approaches in physiology and biochemistry are essential for understanding how animals cope and adapt to their environments. Transcriptomics is no longer restricted to a select few, and accessibility and affordability continue to facilitate its rapid growth as a science. More than 6000 publications (a conservative estimate) over the past decade quantify the response of the transcriptome to a wide breadth of questions in animal physiology. Transcriptomes have been quantified under conditions of hypoxia, climate change, salinity, drought, environmental pollution, and ultraviolet radiation among others; these studies have greatly improved understanding of the molecular machinery required for organismal adaptation. These "snapshots in time" however are never complete as the transcriptome is exquisitely sensitive to an individual's current physiologic state. Animal physiologists new to the field must recognize limitations of transcriptome technologies and consider experimental designs that strengthen physiologic interpretation.