In addition, the pain resolved even when only hainosankyuto was used, possibly due to the analgesic effect of platycodon root, glycyrrhiza root, and peony root. Hainosankyuto may be an effective adjunctive treatment for patients with ARONJ whose pain is difficult to control with general treatment.Various types of pre-learning-including pre-learning for practical training-provide pharmacy students with practical training and sufficient knowledge, skills, and attitudes for practical work. Opportunities in the medical field, including for pharmacists, have been greatly expanded for students with a hearing disability, and we have responded with appropriate training for such students. In this study, we report on the results of an evaluation of a survey on the preparatory training conducted by the students and the changes in their consciousness, such as in their level of understanding, knowledge, and self-confidence. Before the training, the participants' anxiety concerning items related to dispensing and communication were quite high; after the training, however, these anxiety levels were reduced. In addition, we were able to encourage the participant's concern for people and to face the difficulty of expressing words in letters, as well as to drive enthusiasm for the Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) and practical training. These results suggest that having a teacher as an assistant is useful for helping students with hearing disability in practical training.Occupational exposure of pharmacists to drugs during powder drug preparation in dispensing pharmacies was investigated. First, we determined frequently prescribed tipepidine hibenzate and ambroxol hydrochloride suspended in the air of the dispensing room. The median concentration of the drugs in the air was 0.01 μg/m3 and 0.02 μg/m3, respectively; these values indicate that the air in the dispensing room was contaminated with powder drug. To estimate