Body composition refers to the amount and distribution of lean tissue, adipose tissue, and bone in the human body. Lean tissue primarily consists of skeletal muscle; adipose tissue comprises mostly abdominal visceral adipose tissue and abdominal and nonabdominal subcutaneous adipose tissue. Hepatocellular and myocellular lipids are also fat pools with important metabolic implications. Importantly, body composition reflects generalized processes such as increased adiposity in obesity and age-related loss of muscle mass known as sarcopenia.In recent years, body composition has been extensively studied quantitatively to predict overall health. Multiple imaging methods have allowed precise estimates of tissue types and provided insights showing the relationship of body composition to varied pathologic conditions. In this review article, we discuss different imaging methods used to quantify body composition and describe important anatomical locations where target tissues can be measured.Ultrasound (US) imaging plays a crucial role in the assessment of musculoskeletal (MSK) disorders. Several quantitative tools are offered by US systems and add information to conventional US imaging. This article reviews the quantitative US imaging tools currently available in MSK radiology, specifically focusing on the evaluation of elasticity with shear-wave elastography, perfusion with contrast-enhanced US and noncontrast superb microvascular imaging, and bone and muscle mass with quantitative US methods. Some of them are well established and already of clinical value, such as elasticity and contrast-enhanced perfusion assessment in muscles and tendons. MSK radiologists should be aware of the potential of quantitative US tools and take advantage of their use in everyday practice, both for clinical and research purposes.Osteoarthritis (OA) is one of the most common causes of disability throughout the world. Current therap