Argument schemes are abstractions substantiating the inferential connection between premise(s) and conclusion in argumentative communication. Identifying such conventional patterns of reasoning is essential to the interpretation and evaluation of argumentation. Whether studying argumentation from a theory-driven or data-driven perspective, insight into the actual use of argumentation in communicative practice is essential. Large and reliably annotated corpora of argumentative discourse to quantitatively provide such insight are few and far between. This is all the more true for argument scheme corpora, which tend to suffer from a combination of limited size, poor validation, and the use of ad hoc restricted typologies. In the current paper, we describe the annotation of schemes on the basis of two distinct classifications Walton's taxonomy of argument schemes, and Wagemans' Periodic Table of Arguments. We describe the annotation procedure for each, and the quantitative characteristics of the resulting annotated text corpora. In doing so, we extend the annotation of the preexisting US2016 corpus of televised election debates, resulting in, to the best of our knowledge, the two largest consistently annotated corpora of schemes in argumentative dialogue publicly available. Based on evaluation in terms of inter-annotator agreement, we propose further improvements to the guidelines for annotating schemes the argument scheme key, and the Argument Type Identification Procedure.This biographical sketch draws on articles written by and about one of the most influential orthopedic spine surgeons of our time, Dr. Leon L. Wiltse. Our aim is to commemorate his life and contributions to the fields of orthopedic and spine surgery, while also highlighting his early connections to the Dallas area.Myron Gittell's 2009 book, Woodstock '69 Three Days of Peace, Music, and Medical Care, is a compelling treatise referencing health care at Woodstock. Gittell's work partially informs this article about the iconic 1969 Woodstock Music Festival. About 400,000 people attended the concert, though organizers had initially planned for only 50,000. Helicopter surveillance preceding the festival revealed that thousands of spectators had already arrived. Directors realized they had the potential for one of the "greatest human tragedies in modern times" and marshaled local authorities, health care providers, local townspeople, the US Army, and an eccentric outfit from New Mexico known as the Hog Farmers, whose extraordinary efforts averted public health disaster. Drug overdoses presented problems but humane management by the Hog Farmers was exquisitely successful. Two deaths occurred and 3000 first aid visits were recorded. One captivating aspect of Woodstock was a film interview with the gentleman who cleaned the portable toilets. This 3-minute dialogue portrayed, unexpectedly and in unusual fashion, Woodstock's sociological complexities. The release, in 2018, of yet another high-profile film depicting Woodstock, and the bountiful journalistic efforts that ensued in the summer of 2019 reminiscing upon Woodstock's 50th anniversary, remind us of society's abiding fascination with this event.On February 2, 1899, William Osler gave a lecture before the students and faculty of Albany Medical College. As a founding member of the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, Osler had already established himself as a prominent physician and educator and would spend the rest of his career bolstering his reputation as a public speaker. This brief essay looks at four of the more salient points of this lesser-known address, discussing the ways in which he practiced his own advice and finally asserting that his contributions to medical education are still broadly relevant in the 21st century.Self-inflicted transorbital stab injuries are not commonly seen in clinical practice. These lesions usually lead to major disability depending on the intracranial structures transected. We present a case of a 34-year-old man with a self-inflicted stab injury in his right orbit from a pen. Computed tomography revealed that the pen crossed intracranially from the orbit to the posterior fossa and pierced the pons. Such injuries are usually seen in the context of major psychiatric or drug abuse disorders. A multidisciplinary approach between ophthalmology and neurosurgery is essential in the management of these patients.An 81-year-old woman with known schizophrenia presented to the psychiatric consult service with an acute exacerbation of tactile and visual hallucinations and paranoid delusions. This case report examines an atypical progression of illness, including the patient's unusually high functional status and maintenance of activities of daily living well into her disease course despite persistent positive symptoms, highlighting potential benefits of early pharmacological treatment and lifestyle choices.Postictal psychosis (PIP) in patients with epilepsy is often mistaken for other primary psychiatric disorders. Depending on its severity, PIP often prompts empiric treatment with atypical antipsychotics, which are balanced against the risk of lowered seizure thresholds. Here we present a case of olanzapine-resistant PIP, where risperidone was used as a safe and effective abortive treatment.Linezolid is a frequently prescribed antibiotic for chronic infection suppression, such as in prosthetic joint infections. While well tolerated, its prolonged use can increase the risk of rare and serious side effects. We present a case of linezolid toxicity presenting with a constellation of adverse effects including bone marrow suppression, lactic acidosis, and drug-induced liver injury. Our case highlights the increased risk of acute multiorgan failure in patients using the antibiotic for extended durations, notably those with preexisting comorbidities.Rhabdomyolysis is a severe form of myopathy and a relatively common condition affecting the pediatric population. Early and aggressive intravenous volume expansion remains the mainstay of rhabdomyolysis treatment in both children and adults to minimize potential serious complications, including heme-induced acute kidney injury and metabolic abnormalities. We describe a 15-year-old boy with a previous hospital admission for rhabdomyolysis who presented with tea-colored urine, muscle cramps, and weakness with significant elevation of creatinine kinase (CK) following a viral illness. Due to minimal response to aggressive intravenous fluid therapy, intravenous methylprednisolone was administered, leading to a dramatic decrease in the CK level and improvement in his clinical symptoms. Genetic analysis revealed a mutation in the BIN1 gene diagnostic of congenital centronuclear myopathy.