Tongue worms (Subclass Pentastomida) are endoparasites found in carnivorous reptiles, fish, amphibians, birds, and mammals. Several pentastomids cause pentastomiasis, a zoonotic disease. We encountered tongue worm infection in two reptiles imported into Japan a Wahlberg's velvet gecko (Homopholis wahlbergii) bred in Germany and a wild-caught green tree python (Morelia viridis) from the Republic of Indonesia. The infecting tongue worms were identified as Raillietiella sp. and Armillifer sp. in the gecko and python, respectively, based on morphological and molecular analyses. Gecko is a newly recorded definitive host harboring Raillietiella tongue worm. Live tongue worms were first detected in domestic reptiles in Japan, and this indicates a risk that these tongue worms could be spread to other animals, as well as humans. Therefore, the diagnosis and treatment of infected pets are of importance. In the case of the two infected reptiles, the availability of fecal egg examination for diagnosis was shown. In addition, the effectiveness of treatment with 200 μg/kg/day ivermectin orally once weekly was demonstrated, without no side-effects and no re-detection of eggs after the cessation of treatment.Marine annelids in the subfamily Calamyzinae (family Chrysopetalidae) are either symbiotic or free-living forms that have been mainly reported from deep-sea chemosynthetic environments. Symbiotic calamyzines predominantly live in the mantle cavity of bivalves distributing at hydrothermal vents or methane seeps except for two species inhabiting the epidermis of polychaetes and octopuses. In this study, we describe a new species, Calamyzas crambon sp. nov., from Japan and report a new record of Nautiliniella calyptogenicola from the Mariana Trench. We also provide the phylogenetic position of the two species within Chrysopetalidae based on four gene markers (COI, 16S, 18S, and H3).The one-humped camel (Camelus