The implications of bowel obstruction occurring secondary to femoral hernia have not been discussed in the literature recently. Thus, we report our experience of treating patients with femoral hernias complicated by bowel obstruction versus patients with femoral hernias not complicated by bowel obstruction. The subjects of this retrospective study were patients admitted to our hospital for the treatment of femoral hernias between 2016 and 2019. We used the Fisher and Student's T test to compare the preoperative characteristics, treatment, and outcomes of patients with bowel obstruction versus those without bowel obstruction. A total of 53 patients (mean age, 66.9 ± 15.1years) were treated, 18 (33.9%) of whom underwent elective surgery and 35 (66%) of whom required emergency surgery (p = 0.001). The mean time between the development of symptoms and hospitalization was 4.5 ± 3.1days for the patients with bowel obstruction and 1.6 ± 3.2days for those without bowel obstruction (p = 0.001). The length of hospital stay was 11.1 ± 21.1days for the patients with bowel obstruction and 1 ± 1.8days for those without bowel obstruction (p = 0.028). Overall morbidity and mortality rates were 13.2% and 5.6%, respectively. Femoral hernias causing bowel obstruction are associated with greater time between the development of symptoms, hospitalization, and with a longer hospital stay. Femoral hernias causing bowel obstruction are associated with greater time between the development of symptoms, hospitalization, and with a longer hospital stay. To explore the effect of transcatheter arterial embolization (TAE) in controlling intractable, nontraumatic bladder hemorrhage in cancer patients. A literature review (PubMed and EMBASE), followed by a retrospective analysis of all cancer patients with intractable hematuria from bladder treated by TAE at our tertiary referral center. At our institution, 27 consecutive cancer patients who underwent TAE for refractory hematuria from bladder were identified. The systematic review included 13 studies published between 1981 and 2019. In our local cohort, 27 patients were treated with 100% technical success, clinical success in 88.9%, no major complications, and rebleeding rate within the first month of 7.4%. In the systematic review cohort of 201 patients, there was technical success in 99.0%, clinical success in 80.9%, major complications in 5.5%, and a rebleeding rate within the first month of 4.5%. Bilateral embolization was performed in 81.1%, and embolization levels were mostly anterior division of inteive analysis of all patients with intractable hematuria from bladder treated by transcatheter arterial embolization at our tertiary referral center. Transcatheter arterial embolization is effective and safe to control intractable hematuria from bladder. The major complication rate and rebleeding within the first month are acceptable. Post-surgical bleeding of the main portal vein (PV) is a rare event but difficult to manage surgically. Among the different options of treatment, endovascular stenting of the PV can be considered. We reported two cases of stent-graft placement in PV with subsequent closure of the portal vein access with two percutaneous closure devices deployed simultaneously. The first patient was a 43 years-old woman affected with a pseudoaneurysm of the extrahepatic PV, occurred after a duodenocephalopancreasectomy performed for a neuroendocrine tumour of the pancreatic isthmus. The second patient was a 54 years-old man suffering from multiple episodes of bleeding after liver transplantation, due to a PV fissure. In both cases, a stent graft was placed into the portal system, between the PV and the superior mesenteric vein through a right trans-hepatic access to the portal system. In both cases, a final control showed patency of the mesenteric vein and PV and no endoleak detection. At the end of the procedure, two perchepatic portal accesses may be successfully managed with the deployment of percutaneous closure devices. PV stent-graft placement seems a feasible option to manage portal bleeding. Trans-hepatic access is an easy and fast approach. The trans-hepatic portal accesses may be successfully managed with the deployment of percutaneous closure devices. Mesh implants are widely used to reinforce the abdominal wall, although the inevitable inflammatory foreign body reaction (FBR) at the interface leads to complications. Macrophages are suspected to regulate the subsequent scar formation, but it is still unclear whether adequate fibrous scar formation with collagen deposition depends mainly on the presence of M1 or M2 macrophages. This study investigated the FBR to seven human polypropylene meshes, which were removed after a median incorporation time of 1 year due to the primary complaint of recurrence. Using immunofluorescence, the FBR was examined in six regional zones with increasing distance from the mesh fibers up to 350µm, based on the cell densities, macrophage M1 (CD86) and M2 (CD163, CD206) phenotypes, deposition of collagen-I and -III, and expression of matrix metalloproteinase-2 (MMP-2) and -8 as indicator of collagen degradation. All mesh-tissue complexes demonstrated a decrease in cell density and macrophages with distance to the mesh fibers. Overall, about 60% of the macrophages presented an M2 phenotype, whereas only 6% an M1 phenotype. Over 70% of macrophages showed co-expression with collagen-I or -III and over 50% with MMP-2. The chronic FBR to polypropylene meshes is associated with an M2 macrophage response, which is accompanied by collagen deposition and MMP-2 expression. These findings challenge the idea that mainly M1 macrophages are related to inflammation and highlights that iatrogenic attempts to polarize these cells towards the M2 phenotype may not be a solution to ameliorate the long-term foreign body reaction. The chronic FBR to polypropylene meshes is associated with an M2 macrophage response, which is accompanied by collagen deposition and MMP-2 expression. These findings challenge the idea that mainly M1 macrophages are related to inflammation and highlights that iatrogenic attempts to polarize these cells towards the M2 phenotype may not be a solution to ameliorate the long-term foreign body reaction.