The COVID-19 pandemic has overwhelmed healthcare systems worldwide, and a large part of regular cardiology care came to a quick halt. A Dutch nationwide survey showed that 41% of cardiology residents suspended their training and worked at COVID-19 cohort units for up to 3 months. With tremendous flexibility, on-call schedules were altered and additional training was provided in order for residents to be directly available where needed most. These unprecedented times have taught them important lessons on crisis management. The momentum is used to incorporate novel tools for patient care. Moreover, their experience of pandemic and crisis management has provided future cardiologists with unique skills. This crisis will not be wasted; however, several challenges have to be overcome in the near future including, but not limited to, a second pandemic wave, a difficult labour market due to an economic recession, and limitations in educational opportunities.We present the case of a 17-year-old male patient with ulcerative colitis (UC) under infliximab therapy and a family history of IgA vasculitis (IgAV). During a maintenance infliximab session, he developed palpable purpura, abdominal pain, and hematochezia. Computed tomography and endoscopy revealed findings compatible with gastrointestinal manifestations of IgAV. He was successfully treated by intravenous prednisolone and did not develop recurrence of IgAV during subsequent infliximab infusions. Water-use efficiency (WUE) represents the coupling of forest carbon and water. Little is known about the responses of WUE to thinning at multiple spatial scales. The objective of this research was to use field measurements to understand short-term effects of two thinning treatments (T1 4500 stems ha ; and T2 1100 stems ha ) and the control (NT 27,000 stems ha ) on WUE at the three spatial scales (leaf level the ratio of leaf photosynthesis to leaf transpiration; tree-level tree growth to tree transpiration; and stand level net primary production (NPP) to stand transpiration) and intrinsic WUEi (the ratio of leaf photosynthesis to stomatal conductance at leaf-level; and NPP to canopy conductance at stand-level) in a 16-year old natural lodgepole pine forest. Leaf-level measurements were conducted in 2017, while tree- and stand-level measurements were conducted in both 2016 (the normal precipitation year) and 2017 (the drought year). The thinning treatments did not significantly affect the tree- and stanforests to cope with the drought effects. The inconsistent results on the effects of the thinning on forest carbon and water coupling at the spatial scales and the lack of the consistent WUE metrics constraint across-scale comparison and transferring of WUE. The thinning treatments did not cause significant changes in all studied WUE metrics in a normal year. However, their effects were significantly promoted under the drought conditions probably due to the decrease in soil water availability, demonstrating that thinning can improve WUE and consequently support forests to cope with the drought effects. The inconsistent results on the effects of the thinning on forest carbon and water coupling at the spatial scales and the lack of the consistent WUE metrics constraint across-scale comparison and transferring of WUE. We investigated the value of preoperative pathogen detection and evaluated its concordance with intraoperative cultures in patients with culture-positive periprosthetic joint infection (PJI). Culture-positive PJI episodes with available preoperative (synovial fluid) and intraoperative cultures (periprosthetic tissue, synovial or sonication fluid) were analyzed. The pathogen detection rate in preoperative and intraoperative cultures was compared using Fisher's exact test and their concordance was calculated. Among 167 included PJI episodes, 150 were monomicrobial withcoagulase-negative staphylococci (n = 55, 37%), S. aureus (n = 34, 23%), and streptococci (n = 21, 14%) being the most common pathogens. Seventeen episodes (10%) were polymicrobial infections. The pathogen(s) grew in preoperative culture in 110 and in intraoperative cultures in 153 episodes (66% vs. 92%, p < 0.001). The pathogen detection rate was lower in preoperative compared to intraoperative cultures for low-virulent pathogens (40% vsn detection in PJI. Many nematode species parasitizing marine fishes were reported from Japanese waters. However, considering the wealth of fish species in this zoogeographically interesting region and the host specificity of nematodes, the number of hitherto recorded fish nematodes probably represents only a very small part of the potential Japanese fauna of these organisms. Therefore, new data are needed to recognise the species composition of these parasites in this region. Helminthological examinations of some marine fishes from off Japan, carried out in the years 2005-2017, revealed one new and five insufficiently known species of ascaridoid and seuratoid nematodes. These were studied with the use of light and scanning electron microscopy. All six nematode species recorded are described Anisakidae Raphidascaris (Ichthyascaris) multipapillata sp. nov. (male and females) from the intestine of Labracoglossa argenteiventris Peters (Kyphosidae) in the Sea of Japan, Raphidascaris (Ichthyascaris) sp. (third-stage larvae) prors of caudal papillae, spicules 402µm long and in the structure of the male and female tail tips. Hysterothylacium simile is redescribed, being recorded from off Japan for the first time. In addition to the discovery of the new nematode species R. (I.) multipapillata sp. nov. and a redescription of H. simile providing some new morphological data of this parasite, the findings of all other species represent new host and geographical records. The present study extends the knowledge of the species composition and host-parasite relationships of nematodes parasitizing marine fishes. In addition to the discovery of the new nematode species R. (I.) multipapillata sp. nov. and a redescription of H. simile providing some new morphological data of this parasite, the findings of all other species represent new host and geographical records. The present study extends the knowledge of the species composition and host-parasite relationships of nematodes parasitizing marine fishes.