9-Luminex200 automatic immunoassay system, which can be used for the examination of CA242 in clinical practice. There are no reports on global research status of gastroenterology and hepatology (GI). This study was conducted to reveal the current global research status and trends in GI. Articles published during 2009 to 2018 in international GI journals were retrieved from the PubMed database. The top 20 countries by output were determined. The gross domestic product (GDP) of each country was also retrieved to figure out the correlation between outputs in GI and economy. The 5 highest-ranking countries were compared in the number of total articles, articles per capita, articles published in top journals, the accumulated impact factor (IF), and average IF. Total articles and articles per capita of the 5 countries were conducted time-trend analysis. The frequently-used terms in titles and abstracts of articles published in 2009 and 2018 were retrieved to conduct co-occurrence analysis to figure out the change of research highlights in GI. A total of 120,267 articles were included, of which 116,485 articles were frontity and quality when compared with developed countries. It is delightful that the global research output in GI field would be continuingly increased as the major highest-output countries showed increasing trends. However, the developing countries fell behind both in quantity and quality when compared with developed countries. Health care employees are the front liners whom are directly involved in the management of COVID-19 at high risk of developing psychological distress and other mental health illness. We aim to assess the burden of depression during this pandemic on health care employees treating COVID-19 in Saudi Arabia. We also will shed the light on the best solutions of how to encounter depression.A cross-sectional, hospital-based survey conducted via a region-stratified, 2-stage cluster sample was conducted for 554 participants in >15 hospitals from April 29, 2020, to June 30, 2020. Depression is measured using the established PHQ9 score system. We grade PHQ9 depression scores as normal, 0 to 4, mild, 5 to 9, significant (moderate or severe), 10 to 27. χ2/Fisher exact test was used; significant association between level of depression and survey characteristics were made. P value <0.05 was considered statistically significant.A total of 554 participants completed the survey. A total of 18.9% (n = 105) were aged &lt95% confidence interval [CI]) association was observed between sex and depression classifications. However, female had high proportion of significant depression 75.0% (n = 76) was observed as compared to male 24.8% (n = 25). Depression was significant in Saudis 61.4% (n = 62) (P  less then  .001, 95% CI) and medical staff who encountered corona patients 51.5% (n = 52) (P  less then  .002, 95% CI). Hospital preparedness associated with more freedom of depression symptoms 69.1% (n = 199/288) (P  less then  .001, 95% CI).Frontline young health care workers especially physician in Saudi Arabia reported a high rate of depression symptoms. Countermeasures for health care workers represent a key component for the mental and physical well-being as part of public health measures during this pandemic. Attention to hospital preparedness and adequacy of personal protective equipment contributed to milder depression symptoms. Further studies need to be conducted on crisis management and depression. To explore associations between self-reported ill-health as a primary motivator for HIV-testing and socio-demographic factors.Four local primary healthcare clinics in Johannesburg, South Africa.A total of 529 newly HIV diagnosed adults (≥18 years) enrolled from October 2017 to August 2018, participated in the survey on the same day of diagnosis.Testing out of own initiative or perceived HIV exposure was categorized as asymptomatic. Reporting ill-health as the main reason for testing was categorized as symptomatic. https://www.selleckchem.com/products/jh-re-06.html Modified Poisson regression was used to evaluate predictors of motivators for HIV testing.Overall, 327/520 (62.9%) participants reported symptoms as the main motivator for testing. Among the asymptomatic, 17.1% reported potential HIV exposure as a reason for testing, while 20.0% just wanted to know their HIV status. Baseline predictors of symptom-related motivators for HIV testing include disclosing intention to test (aPR 1.4 for family/friend/others vs partners/spouse, 95% CI 1.1-1.8; aPR 1.4 for not disclosing vs partners/spouse, 95% CI 1.1-1.7), and HIV testing history (aPR 1.2 for last HIV test >12-months ago vs last test 12-months prior, 95% CI 1.0-1.5; aPR 1.3 for never tested for HIV before vs last test 12-months prior, 95%CI1.0-1.6).Findings indicate that newly diagnosed HIV positive patients still enter care because of ill-health, not prevention purposes. Increasing early HIV testing remains essential to maximize the benefits of expanded ART access. 12-months ago vs last test 12-months prior, 95% CI 1.0-1.5; aPR 1.3 for never tested for HIV before vs last test 12-months prior, 95%CI1.0-1.6).Findings indicate that newly diagnosed HIV positive patients still enter care because of ill-health, not prevention purposes. Increasing early HIV testing remains essential to maximize the benefits of expanded ART access. Nonconvulsive status epilepticus (NCSE) is a heterogeneous disease with multiple subtypes. NCSE poses great diagnostic and therapeutic challenges due to the lack of typical symptoms. Here, we report a case of NCSE manifesting as rapidly progressive dementia (RPD) and infarction in the splenium of the corpus callosum. Additionally, the relevant literature was reviewed. A 63-year-old man presented with RPD. Electroencephalogram (EEG) revealed NCSE, and brain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) showed an isolated infarction in the splenium of the corpus callosum. Mini-mental state examination showed moderate cognitive impairment (14/30 points). A diagnosis of NCSE with RPD and infarction in the splenium of the corpus callosum was made. The patient was treated with intravenous diazepam (10 mg), oral levetiracetam (1.0g twice daily), oral sodium valproate (0.2g twice daily), and intramuscular phenobarbital sodium (0.2g once daily). After the treatment, the symptoms were improved. The patient could answer questions.