The neurodiagnostic criteria of Leigh syndrome have not yet been clearly redefined based on the expanding of molecular etiologies. We aimed to analyze twenty years of clinical, genetic, and magnetic resonance studies from our Leigh syndrome cohort to provide a detailed description of central nervous system lesions in Leigh syndrome and their biological evolution in view of their genetic and clinical findings. Our study adds new neurodiagnostic insights to the current knowledge of Leigh syndrome, including association with overlapping syndromes, and the correlation of pathogenic genetic variants with neuroimaging phenotypes. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.The neural mechanisms underlying one's own language production and the comprehension of language produced by other speakers in daily communication remain elusive. Here, we assessed how self-language production and other-language comprehension interact within a language switching context using event-related functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (er-fMRI) in 32 unbalanced Chinese-English bilinguals. We assessed within-modality language interference during language production and comprehension as well as cross-modality interference when switching from production to comprehension and vice versa. Results revealed that the overall effect of production (across switch and repeat trials) was larger in the cross-modality than within-modality condition in a series of attentional control areas, namely the left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, anterior cingulate cortex and left precuneus. Furthermore, the left precuneus was recruited more strongly in switch trials compared to repeat trials (i.e., switching costs) in within-production conditions but not in the cross-modality condition. These findings suggest that switching from production to comprehension recruits cognitive control areas to successfully implement switches between modalities. However,