bility and perceived stability with increased HH. The use of HHS may worsen dynamic postural control and functional mobility when HH increases to 3.9 cm. Although experienced HHS wearers exhibit higher proportion of ankle strategy and COG directional control, the experience may not influence overall human postural control. Sensory organization ability, ankle strategy and COG directional control might provide useful information in developing a safety system and prevent HHS wearers from falling. The use of HHS may worsen dynamic postural control and functional mobility when HH increases to 3.9 cm. Although experienced HHS wearers exhibit higher proportion of ankle strategy and COG directional control, the experience may not influence overall human postural control. Sensory organization ability, ankle strategy and COG directional control might provide useful information in developing a safety system and prevent HHS wearers from falling.Phascolosoma (P.) varians, a sipunculan species known from the Greater Caribbean, was designated as a synonym of Phascolosoma (P.) nigrescens, which was originally described from Fiji. Their synonymy was primarily based upon an interpretation that these two species were morphologically indistinguishable. After its designation as a synonym, no further detailed analyses of morphological or molecular characteristics were performed to corroborate the assumed widespread distribution of Phascolosoma (P.) nigrescens. In this study, Phascolosoma (P.) varians is redescribed, and notable differences between this species and its proposed senior synonym are presented. These two species differ in the shape of their hooks, the spatial attachment of nephridia to the body wall, and the morphology of the contractile vessel. Additionally, there is high genetic divergence between nucleotide sequences within their respective cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1 (COI) genes, which supports the morphological data