Despite various opinions and healthy controversy on Ozone Therapy (OT), the practices of this therapy have increased worldwide. Main areas of study with consistent scientific outcomes are the topical treatment of both disk herniation and periodontal disease. On the other hand, there is a net dissociation of the scientific resonance concerning systemic oxygen/ozone treatments. It is our intention to discuss in logical terms the numerous papers that commendably reported adverse reactions attributable to OT, focusing our attention mainly to the techniques of administration and not to the simple contact of ozone with biological material. The case reports on OT treatments safety concerns discussed on international journals, make it possible to state that most safety issues are secondary to infections or traumatic reactions due to malpractice. Commonly, the molecule of ozone itself is not responsible of severe reactions at the therapeutic modalities. The millions of patients treated so far from the thousands of physicians correctly practicing OT world widely in the last 40 years demonstrate the safety of this simple and cost-effective regenerative medicine tool. The promising therapeutic implications also for the current COVID-19 emergency are a further stimulus to the standardization of this therapeutic resource with multiple application specificities.Mallory-Weiss tears (MWT) are occasionally encountered during endoscopic procedures. Esophageal endoscopic submucosal dissection (ESD) is widely performed under general anesthesia to avoid unexpected body movements. We present the case of a 68-year-old woman with squamous cell carcinoma. Although ESD was performed under general anesthesia, a gastric perforation at the MWT caused by gastric inflation was observed after the procedure. The perforation was closed endoscopically, and she was discharged without any sequelae. Although general anesthesia is useful for esophageal