patterns.Advances in the treatment of congenital heart disease (CHD) have increased life expectancy, entailing medical surveillance for a considerable number of adolescents and young adults with CHD for issues arising in areas such as sexual health. This study aimed to assess the sexual knowledge and the needs for sexual health education among this group. The participants comprised 53 young adult outpatients (27 males, median age 23 years) who had undergone surgical interventions (median 3 times) for CHD. The Knowledge related to Safe Sex Practice scale (KSSP), an assessment tool containing 15 questions on sexual knowledge, was administered, and the rates of correct answers for each item and the overall scale were compared with the age and sex of a control group (n = 164). The overall mean KSSP score of the participant group (10.5 ± 1.8) was significantly lower than that of the control group (11.1 ± 1.9, p = .035). The KSSP scores of the participants with low peripheral oxygen saturation (SaO2 less then 95%) were significantly lower (9.77 ± 1.85) than those with normal SaO2 (11.06 ± 1.85, p = .009). Regarding sexual health education, the participants reported receiving information about contraception as more important than other areas of sexual health. The rate of incorrect answers was higher for questions regarding natural ways of contraception utilizing infertile periods in the menstrual cycle. Based on an informed understanding of those with CHD, healthcare providers in this field should develop customized sexual health education for adolescents and young adults with CHD and implement customized sexual health education, including effective contraception methods. To prospectively estimate the age of cigarette initiation among young adults (18-24 years old) who were never cigarette users at their first wave of adult study participation overall, by sex, and by race/ethnicity given recent increases in cigarette initiation occurring in young adulthood. Secondary analyses were conducted using the PATH restricted-use adult datasets among young adult never users of cigarettes in waves 1-3 (2013-2016) with outcomes followed-up in waves 2-4 (2014-2017). Interval censoring survival methods were used to estimate the age of initiation of (i) ever, (ii) past 30-day, and (iii) fairly regular cigarette use. Among never cigarette users when they first entered the adult study, interval censoring Cox proportional hazard models were used to explore differences in the estimated age of initiation of the three cigarette use outcomes by sex and by race/ethnicity, controlling for the effect of previous e-cigarette use and the total number of other tobacco products ever used (0-5 products prevention targets by sex and by race/ethnicity. The substantial amount of cigarette initiation among young adults reinforces the need for prevention strategies among this population. Although, interventions are needed for all young adult populations, strategies should target 18-21-year-olds, with potentially differential prevention targets by sex and by race/ethnicity.Animal cells from the Vero lineage and MRC5 human cells were checked for their capacity to catalyse the electrochemical oxygen reduction reaction (ORR). The Vero cells needed 72 hours' incubation to induce ORR catalysis. The cyclic voltammetry curves were clearly modified by the presence of the cells with a shift of ORR of 50 mV towards positive potentials and the appearance of a limiting current (59 μ The MRC5 cells induced considerable ORR catalysis after only 4 h of incubation with a potential shift of 110 mV but with large experimental deviation. A longer incubation time, of 24 h, made the results more reproducible with a potential shift of 90 mV. The presence of carbon nanotubes on the electrode surface or pre-treatment with foetal bovine serum or poly-D-lysine did not change the results. These data are the first demonstrations of the capability of animal and human cells to catalyse electrochemical ORR. The discussion of the possible mechanisms suggests that these pioneering observations could pave the way for electrochemical biosensors able to characterize the protective system of cells against oxidative stress and its sensitivity to external agents.Biofeedback constitutes a well-established, non-invasive method to voluntary interfere in emotional processing by means of cognitive strategies. However, treatment durations exhibit strong inter-individual variations and first successes can often be achieved only after a large number of sessions. Sham feedback constitutes a rather untapped approach by providing feedback that does not correspond to the participant's actual state. The current study aims to gain insights into mechanisms of sham feedback processing in order to support new techniques in biofeedback therapy. We carried out two experiments and applied different types of sham feedback on skin conductance responses and pupil size changes during affective processing. Results indicate that standardized but context-sensitive sham signals based on skin conductance responses exert a stronger influence on emotional regulation compared to individual sham feedback from ongoing pupil dynamics. Also, sham feedback should forego unnatural signal behavior to avoid irritation and skepticism among participants. Altogether, a reasonable combination of stimulus features and sham feedback characteristics enables to considerably reduce the actual bodily responsiveness already within a single session. In the United States, mothers' employment status and occupation are related to breastfeeding. However, it is unclear whether not working leads to longer breastfeeding duration even when compared to professional/managerial jobs, which tend to accommodate breastfeeding better than service/manual labor jobs. Furthermore, occupation and breastfeeding are racially patterned, and it is possible that race could moderate the relationships between mother's work and breastfeeding. Using data from the Panel Study of Income Dynamics, we modeled breastfeeding duration based on mother's employment/occupation (not working, professional/managerial work, or service/labor work) during the first 6 months postpartum, as well as mother's race (White, Black or other) and other potential confounders. We used zero-inflated negative binomial regression models and tested an interaction between employment/occupation type and race. Predictive margins were used to compare breastfeeding duration among subgroups. Mothers working in service/labor occupations had the shortest breastfeeding duration of the three employment/occupation groups, and there was no significant difference in duration between not working and professional/managerial occupation.