Surface Acoustic Waves (SAW) are one of the possible solutions to target the challenges faced by modern spintronic devices. The stress carried by the SAW can decrease the current required to achieve magnetic switching or domain wall movement by spin transfer torque. Although the last decade has produced very relevant results in this field, it is still important to study the effects of a SAW on the basic unit of many spintronic devices, a ferromagnetic nanostrip. In this work, we perform a complete set of measurements and simulations to characterize the magnetization process of a Ni nanostrip under the influence of a SAW. We find that the SAW increases the mobility and the depinning ability of the magnetic domain walls and consequently, promotes a sharper approach to saturation and substantially decreases coercivity. We have also found other two interesting effects. When the SAW has sufficient energy, is able to trigger irreversible transitions even before switching the direction of the external magnetic field. Additionally, we have found that the magnetization process depends on the direction of the travelling SAW.Commonly attributed to the prevalence of M2 macrophages, tumor-associated macrophages (TAM) are linked to poor outcome in Hodgkin lymphoma (HL). MYC is supposed to control the expression of M2-specific genes in macrophages, and deficiency in MYC-positive macrophages inhibits tumor growth in mouse models. To verify this hypothesis for HL, seventy-six samples were subjected to immunohistochemical double staining using CD68 or CD163 macrophage-specific antibodies and a reagent detecting MYC. For each cell population, labelled cells were grouped according to low, intermediate and high numbers and related to disease-free survival (DFS) and overall survival (OS). MYC+ cells accounted for 21% and 18% of CD68+ and CD163+ cells, respectively. Numbers of MYC- macrophages were significantly higher in EBV+ cases while no differences were observed for MYC+ macrophages between EBV+ and EBV- cases. Cases with highest numbers of macrophages usually showed worst DFS and OS. In most scenarios, intermediate numbers of macrophages were associated with better outcome than very low or very high numbers. Our observations are reminiscent of the "hormesis hypothesis" and suggest that a relative lack of TAM may allow HL growth while macrophages display an inhibitory effect with increasing numbers. Above a certain threshold, TAM may again support tumor growth.The microbial fixation of N2 is the largest source of biologically available nitrogen (N) to the oceans. However, it is the most energetically expensive N-acquisition process and is believed inhibited when less energetically expensive forms, like dissolved inorganic N (DIN), are available. Curiously, the cosmopolitan N2-fixing UCYN-A/haptophyte symbiosis grows in DIN-replete waters, but the sensitivity of their N2 fixation to DIN is unknown. We used stable isotope incubations, catalyzed reporter deposition fluorescence in-situ hybridization (CARD-FISH), and nanoscale secondary ion mass spectrometry (nanoSIMS), to investigate the N source used by the haptophyte host and sensitivity of UCYN-A N2 fixation in DIN-replete waters. We demonstrate that under our experimental conditions, the haptophyte hosts of two UCYN-A sublineages do not assimilate nitrate (NO3-) and meet little of their N demands via ammonium (NH4+) uptake. Instead the UCYN-A/haptophyte symbiosis relies on UCYN-A N2 fixation to supply large portions of the haptophyte's N requirements, even under DIN-replete conditions. Furthermore, UCYN-A N2 fixation rates, and haptophyte host carbon fixation rates, were at times stimulated by NO3- additions in N-limited waters suggesting a link between the activities of the bulk phytoplankton assemblage and the UCYN-A/haptophyte symbiosis. The results suggest N2 fixation may be an evolutionarily viable strategy for diazotroph-eukaryote symbioses, even in N-rich coastal or high latitude waters.This study investigates the x-ray scattering characteristics of microsphere particles in x-ray-grating-based interferometric imaging at different concentrations, bubble sizes and tube voltages (kV). Attenuation (ATI), dark-field (DFI) and phase-contrast (PCI) images were acquired. Signal-to-noise (SNR) and contrast-to-noise ratios with water (CNRw) and air as reference (CNRa) were determined. In all modalities, a linear relationship between SNR and microbubbles concentration, respectively, microsphere size was found. A significant gain of SNR was found when varying kV. SNR was significantly higher in DFI and PCI than ATI. The highest gain of SNR was shown at 60 kV for all media in ATI and DFI, at 80 kV for PCI. SNR for all media was significantly higher compared to air and was slightly lower compared to water. A linear relationship was found between CNRa, CNRw, concentration and size. With increasing concentration and decreasing size, CNRa and CNRw increased in DFI, but decreased in PCI. Best CNRa and CNRw was found at specific combination of kV and concentration/size. Highest average CNRa and CNRw was found for microspheres in ATI and PCI, for microbubbles in DFI. Microspheres are a promising contrast-media for grating-based-interferometry, if kV, microsphere size and concentration are appropriately combined.Pamoic acid is a potent ligand for G protein Coupled Receptor 35 (GPR35) and exhibits antinociceptive property. GPR35 activation leads to increased energy utilization and the expression of anti-inflammatory genes. However, its role in brain disorders, especially in stroke, remains unexplored. Here we show in a mouse model of stroke that GPR35 activation by pamoic acid is neuroprotective. Pharmacological inhibition of GPR35 reveals that pamoic acid reduces infarcts size in a GPR35 dependent manner. The flowcytometric analysis shows the expression of GPR35 on the infiltrating monocytes/macrophages and neutrophils in the ischemic brain. Pamoic acid treatment results in a preferential increment of noninflammatory Ly-6CLo monocytes/macrophages in the ischemic brain along with the reduced neutrophil counts. The neuroprotective effect of GPR35 activation depends on protein kinase B (Akt) and p38 MAPK. Together we conclude that GPR35 activation by pamoic acid reprograms Ly-6CLo monocytes/macrophages to relay a neuroprotective signal into the ischemic brain.