Simulation-based inference can bypass the limitations of statistical methods based on analytical approximations, but software allowing simulation of structured population genetic data without the classical n-coalescent approximations (such as those following from assuming large population size) are scarce or slow. We present GSpace, a simulator for genomic data, based on a generation-by-generation coalescence algorithm taking into account small population size, recombination, and isolation by distance. Freely available at site web INRAe (http// Freely available at site web INRAe (http// GO Causal Activity Models (GO-CAMs) assemble individual associations of gene products with cellular components, molecular functions, and biological processes into causally linked activity flow models. Pathway databases such as the Reactome Knowledgebase create detailed molecular process descriptions of reactions and assemble them, based on sharing of entities between individual reactions into pathway descriptions. To convert the rich content of Reactome into GO-CAMs, we have developed a software tool, Pathways2GO, to convert the entire set of normal human Reactome pathways into GO-CAMs. This conversion yields standard GO annotations from Reactome content and supports enhanced quality control for both Reactome and GO, yielding a nearly seamless conversion between these two resources for the bioinformatics community. Supplementary material is available at Bioinformatics online. Supplementary material is available at Bioinformatics online. Although the ability to programmatically summarize and visually inspect sequencing data is an integral part of genome analysis, currently available methods are not capable of handling large numbers of samples. In particular, making a visual comparison of transcriptional landsc