To provide a critical review of the application and outcomes of surgical edge-to-edge (E2E) or Alfieri repair for mitral valvulopathy. The E2E repair is a surgical technique to address mitral regurgitation, particularly suited when the responsible mechanism is bileaflet prolapse combined with enlarged annular area. It can also be used for a range of mitral valve pathologies. Surgically, the technique has been employed as a bailout for unsuccessful repair including residual mitral regurgitation because of systolic anterior motion (SAM). E2E repair should be accompanied by a ring annuloplasty for long-term repair durability. The simplicity of this approach makes it an ideal strategy during minimally-invasive mitral valve repair. It may also be performed via a transaortic approach at the time of aortic valve surgery to address less-than-severe mitral regurgitation or to address residual SAM following myectomy for hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy. We review the surgical indication, potential complications including risk of mitral stenosis and the long-term outcomes of E2E repair. The E2E surgical repair is a simple and effective surgical strategy to address a wide range of mitral regurgitation. This is an important technique in the surgical armamentarium especially in cases of minimally-invasive mitral valve surgery. The E2E surgical repair is a simple and effective surgical strategy to address a wide range of mitral regurgitation. This is an important technique in the surgical armamentarium especially in cases of minimally-invasive mitral valve surgery. Conventional gastrointestinal (GI) endoscopy reports written by physicians are time consuming and might have obvious heterogeneity or omissions, impairing the efficiency and multicenter consultation potential. We aimed to develop and validate an image recognition-based structured report generation system (ISRGS) through a multicenter database and to assess its diagnostic performance. First, we developed and evaluated an ISRGS combining real-time video capture, site identification, lesion detection, subcharacteristics analysis, and structured report generation. White light and chromoendoscopy images from patients with GI lesions were eligible for study inclusion. A total of 46,987 images from 9 tertiary hospitals were used to train, validate, and multicenter test (622). Moreover, 5,699 images were prospectively enrolled from Qilu Hospital of Shandong University to further assess the system in a prospective test set. The primary outcome was the diagnosis performance of GI lesions in multicenter and prospectto generate standardized and accurate endoscopy reports (http// Pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) is an extremely malignant disease, which has an extremely low survival rate of <9% in the United States. As a new hallmark of cancer, metabolism reprogramming exerts crucial impacts on PDAC development and progression. Notably, arginine metabolism is altered in PDAC cells and participates in vital signaling pathways. In addition, arginine and its metabolites including polyamine, creatine, agmatine, and nitric oxide regulate the proliferation, growth, autophagy, apoptosis, and metastasis of cancer cells. Due to the loss of argininosuccinate synthetase 1 (ASS1) expression, the key enzyme in arginine biosynthesis, arginine deprivation is regarded as a potential strategy for PDAC therapy. However, drug resistance develops during arginine depletion treatment, along with the re-expression of ASS1, metabolic dysfunction, and the appearance of anti-drug antibody. Additionally, arginase 1 exerts crucial roles in myeloid-derived suppressor cells, indicating its potential taron treatment, along with the re-expression of ASS1, metabolic dysfunction, and the appearance of anti-drug antibody. Additionally, arginase 1 exerts crucial roles in myeloid-derived suppressor cells, indicating its potential targeting by cancer immunotherapy. In this review, we introduce arginine metabolism and its impacts on PDAC cells. Also, we discuss the role of arginine metabolism in arginine deprivation therapy and immunotherapy for cancer. The NOD-like receptor protein 3 (NLRP3) inflammasome is a key regulator of the host's immune response, and many immune and metabolic disorders are linked to its activation. This review aimed to investigate and clarify the relationship between this inflammasome and high-risk reproductive disorders. Papers cited here were retrieved from PubMed up to August 2020 using the keywords "NLRP3" or "NALP3", "caspase-1", "endometriosis", "gestational diabetes", "interleukin (IL)-18", "IL-1β", "pre-eclampsia (PE)", "preterm birth", "polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS)", "recurrent spontaneous abortion (RSA)", and combinations of these terms. The results show that NLRP3 inflammasome is associated with various high-risk reproductive disorders and many inflammatory factors are secreted during its activation, such as IL-1β induced during the development of endometriosis. PCOS is also associated with activation of the NLRP3 inflammasome, especially in overweight patients. It also participates in the pathogenesis of RSA and i, "recurrent spontaneous abortion (RSA)", and combinations of these terms. The results show that NLRP3 inflammasome is associated with various high-risk reproductive disorders and many inflammatory factors are secreted during its activation, such as IL-1β induced during the development of endometriosis. PCOS is also associated with activation of the NLRP3 inflammasome, especially in overweight patients. It also participates in the pathogenesis of RSA and is activated in fetal membranes before preterm birth. The placentas of pregnant women with PE show higher expression of the NLRP3 inflammasome, and gestational diabetes mellitus occurs simultaneously with its activation. Current evidence suggest that the NLRP3 inflammasome plays an important role in female reproductive disorders. New treatment and management methods targeting it might help reduce the incidence of such disorders and improve neonatal outcomes. Candida auris has been implicated in ICU outbreaks worldwide and is notable for being difficult to identify and treat, its resilience in the environment, and significant patient mortality associated with invasive disease. Here, we describe a small C. auris outbreak and how it was terminated. Single-center, observational. Two general adult ICUs at an urban U.K. teaching hospital. All patients positive for C. auris during the 5-month outbreak were included (n = 7). Stepwise implementation of enhanced infection prevention and control precautions was introduced including twice-weekly screening, contact tracing, isolation precautions, and environmental decontamination. A detailed environmental screen was performed to identify potential reservoirs. This included the patient bed space and clinical equipment and a frequently handled cloth lanyard attached to a key used to access controlled drugs. Personal possessions such as mobile phones, lanyards, and identification badges were also screened. The index case and six linked acquisitions were identified.