to further clarify the reason why image size is important. Training the CNN by increasing the image size using the interpolation method is a useful method. In the future, we aim to conduct additional verifications using various medical images to further clarify the reason why image size is important.Recently, object detection methods have developed rapidly and have been widely used in many areas. In many scenarios, helmet wearing detection is very useful, because people are required to wear helmets to protect their safety when they work in construction sites or cycle in the streets. However, for the problem of helmet wearing detection in complex scenes such as construction sites and workshops, the detection accuracy of current approaches still needs to be improved. In this work, we analyze the mechanism and performance of several detection algorithms and identify two feasible base algorithms that have complementary advantages. We use one base algorithm to detect relatively large heads and helmets. Also, we use the other base algorithm to detect relatively small heads, and we add another convolutional neural network to detect whether there is a helmet above each head. Then, we integrate these two base algorithms with an ensemble method. In this method, we first propose an approach to merge information of heads and helmets from the base algorithms, and then propose a linear function to estimate the confidence score of the identified heads and helmets. Experiments on a benchmark data set show that, our approach increases the precision and recall for base algorithms, and the mean Average Precision of our approach is 0.93, which is better than many other approaches. With GPU acceleration, our approach can achieve real-time processing on contemporary computers, which is useful in practice.In this article, we propose a method for evaluating feature ranking algorithms. A feature ranking algorithm estimates the importance of descriptive features when predicting the target variable, and the proposed method evaluates the correctness of these importance values by computing the error measures of two chains of predictive models. The models in the first chain are built on nested sets of top-ranked features, while the models in the other chain are built on nested sets of bottom ranked features. We investigate which predictive models are appropriate for building these chains, showing empirically that the proposed method gives meaningful results and can detect differences in feature ranking quality. This is first demonstrated on synthetic data, and then on several real-world classification benchmark problems.Stochastic computing (SC) is an alternative computing domain for ubiquitous deterministic computing whereby a single logic gate can perform the arithmetic operation by exploiting the nature of probability math. SC was proposed in the 1960s when binary computing was expensive. However, presently, SC started to regain interest after the widespread of deep learning application, specifically the convolutional neural network (CNN) algorithm due to its practicality in hardware implementation. Although not all computing functions can translate to the SC domain, several useful function blocks related to the CNN algorithm had been proposed and tested by researchers. An evolution of CNN, namely, binarised neural network, had also gained attention in the edge computing due to its compactness and computing efficiency. This study reviews various SC CNN hardware implementation methodologies. Firstly, we review the fundamental concepts of SC and the circuit structure and then compare the advantages and disadvantages amongst different SC methods. Finally, we conclude the overview of SC in CNN and make suggestions for widespread implementation.Children activity recognition (CAR) is a subject for which numerous works have been developed in recent years, most of them focused on monitoring and safety. Commonly, these works use as data source different types of sensors that can interfere with the natural behavior of children, since these sensors are embedded in their clothes. This article proposes the use of environmental sound data for the creation of a children activity classification model, through the development of a deep artificial neural network (ANN). Initially, the ANN architecture is proposed, specifying its parameters and defining the necessary values for the creation of the classification model. The ANN is trained and tested in two ways using a 70-30 approach (70% of the data for training and 30% for testing) and with a k-fold cross-validation approach. According to the results obtained in the two validation processes (70-30 splitting and k-fold cross validation), the ANN with the proposed architecture achieves an accuracy of 94.51% and 94.19%, respectively, which allows to conclude that the developed model using the ANN and its proposed architecture achieves significant accuracy in the children activity classification by analyzing environmental sound.Technological advances have lead to the creation of large epigenetic datasets, including information about DNA binding proteins and DNA spatial structure. Hi-C experiments have revealed that chromosomes are subdivided into sets of self-interacting domains called Topologically Associating Domains (TADs). TADs are involved in the regulation of gene expression activity, but the mechanisms of their formation are not yet fully understood. Here, we focus on machine learning methods to characterize DNA folding patterns in Drosophila based on chromatin marks across three cell lines. We present linear regression models with four types of regularization, gradient boosting, and recurrent neural networks (RNN) as tools to study chromatin folding characteristics associated with TADs given epigenetic chromatin immunoprecipitation data. The bidirectional long short-term memory RNN architecture produced the best prediction scores and identified biologically relevant features. Distribution of protein Chriz (Chromator) and histone modification H3K4me3 were selected as the most informative features for the prediction of TADs characteristics. This approach may be adapted to any similar biological dataset of chromatin features across various cell lines and species. The code for the implemented pipeline, Hi-ChiP-ML, is publicly available https//