However, PVL occurred in four cases 1 week and 1 year postoperatively and regurgitation did not improve. A gap associated with PVL was identified below the right-noncoronary commissure. To prevent PVL, we additionally stitched this gap in the later 18 cases; there was no case of PVL and no new pacemaker implantation in these cases. PVL is more likely to occur if there is a gap below the R-N commissure, especially in cases with a large annulus; therefore, applying an additional stitch to the R-N commissure is extremely useful. PVL is more likely to occur if there is a gap below the R-N commissure, especially in cases with a large annulus; therefore, applying an additional stitch to the R-N commissure is extremely useful.As urbanization increases worldwide, investments in nature-based solutions that aim to mitigate urban stressors and counter the impacts of global climate change are also on the rise. Tree planting on degraded urban lands-or afforestation-is one form of nature-based solution that has been increasingly implemented in cities around the world. The benefits of afforestation are, however, contingent on the capacity of soils to support the growth of planted trees, which poses a challenge in some urban settings where unfavorable soil conditions limit tree performance. Soil-focused site treatments could help urban areas overcome impediments to afforestation, yet few studies have examined the long-term (>5 yr) effects of site treatments on soils and other management objectives. We analyzed the impacts of compost amendments, interplanting with shrubs, and tree species composition (six species vs. two species) on soil conditions and associated tree growth in 54 experimental afforestation plots in New York City, USA. We clong-lasting impacts on soil conditions and that these changes can support multiple urban land management objectives. This single-center, retrospective study evaluates the impact of hepatic stea