The aim of this study was to identify work-related experience and behavior patterns among rescue workers in different urban and rural organizational structures. The subjects included 276 paramedics from Germany (average age 39.3 ± 8.04 years) in 3 groups (professional fire department, aid organization in urban or rural regions). Work-related behavior and experience patterns (AVEM) were examined. Influences of age, gender, professional qualifications, frequency of operation, and organization were analyzed. AVEM risk patterns were detectable in 44.3% of professional fire department personnel and in 20% of both aid organization groups. There were differences in the various AVEM dimensions. Age had a strong influence on the AVEM dimension work-related ambition. There is a need for workplace health promotion and prevention measures, which are especially useful for employees in professional fire departments. Aid organizations in urban and rural regions should also attend to these measures. There is a need for workplace health promotion and prevention measures, which are especially useful for employees in professional fire departments. Aid organizations in urban and rural regions should also attend to these measures. The goal of this study was to determine the financial impact of adopting the US Multi-Society Task Force (USMSTF) polypectomy guidelines on physician reimbursement and disposable equipment costs for gastroenterologists in the academic medical center and community practice settings. In 2020, USMSTF guidelines on polypectomy were introduced with a strong recommendation for cold snare rather than cold forceps technique for removing diminutive and small polyps. Polypectomy with snare technique reimburses physicians at a higher rate compared with cold forceps and also requires different disposable equipment. The financial implications of adopting these guidelines is unknown. Patients that underwent screening colonoscopy where polypectomy was performed at an academic medical center (Loma Linda University Medical Center) and community practice medical center (Ascension Providence Hospital) between July 2018 and July 2019 were identified. The polypectomy technique performed during each procedure was determined ent and equipment costs when colonoscopy with polypectomy is performed. With the increasing numbers of COVID-19 vaccinations available there are some reports of new onset of otologic symptoms. We present our experience in recently vaccinated patients over a 30-day time frame. Retrospective chart review. Tertiary otology ambulatory practice. All patients with available diagnostic codes, COVID-19 questionnaires and clinical notes. Observational recordings. Within the same 30-day time period in 2019, 2020, and 2021, 1.6, 2.4, and 3.8% respectively, of all office visits were for patients with the diagnosis of new onset idiopathic sensorineural hearing loss (SNHL) without other underlying otologic diagnoses. In this time frame in 2021, 30 patients out of the 1,325 clinical visits had new or significantly exacerbated otologic symptoms that began shortly after COVID-19 vaccination. Specifically, 18 patients received Moderna and 12 patients received Pfizer vaccine. Their mean age was 60.9±13.8 years old; 11 were women and 19 men. The mean onset of symptoms was 10.18 ± 9 days se Control (CDC) vaccine adverse event reporting system (VAERS). To assess the effect of short-term and long-term continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) use on middle ear pressure (MEP) in adult ears. PubMed, Scopus, and Embase were searched through October 2020. Search strategies used a combination of subject headings (e.g., MeSH in PubMed) and keywords for CPAP and middle ear pressure. English-language articles studying changes in MEP as measured by tympanometry or tympanograms in patients using CPAP were selected for inclusion. Data extraction from included articles included demographics, baseline, and follow-up data. A total of 7 articles representing 664 patients with weighted mean age of 42.5 years (range 34.9-57.8 yrs) were included. Meta-analysis of three qualifying studies demonstrated a positive correlation between higher CPAP pressures and degree of MEP rise during CPAP use compared to baseline with mean difference of 25.1 daPa (95% confidence interval [18.7, 31.4]) at 5 cm H2O and 81.9 daPa (95% confidence interval [60.2, 103.5]) at 10 cm H2O. Short-term effects of CPAP use were reviewed in four studies that showed a transient rise in MEP. Three separate studies examining the long-term effects of CPAP use showed resting MEP was higher in patients with severe obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), which might be related to progressive eustachian tube dysfunction as a complication of severe OSA. Short-term CPAP use is associated with transient elevations of MEP in adult ears. Long-term CPAP use might produce beneficial MEP changes, especially in patients with OSA and eustachian tube dysfunction. Short-term CPAP use is associated with transient elevations of MEP in adult ears. Long-term CPAP use might produce beneficial MEP changes, especially in patients with OSA and eustachian tube dysfunction. Hearing rehabilitation with an active middle ear implant (AMEI) in patients with mixed hearing loss (MHL) after multiple ear surgeries is surgically challenging and requires individual solutions in some cases. Our objective was to introduce a feasible novel technique for direct oval window vibroplasty (OW vibroplasty) using a partial ossicular replacement prosthesis (PORP) to ensure stability and enable active and passive sound transmission. Four patients with MHL following multiple middle ear surgeries and indication for an AMEI received direct OW vibroplasty in combination with a customized PORP between the enwrapped actuator and reconstructed tympanic membrane (TM). Postoperative bone conduction was stable in all patients. All patients benefitted from the AMEI in combination with PORP with a mean functional gain of 31.5 ± 17.0 dB. Mean aided postoperative pure tone average was 27.3 ± 2.6 dB. Speech discrimination in quiet at 65 dB with the German Language Freiburg Monosyllabic Test improved for all patients to 68.