The objective of the study is to examine the dynamic linkages between population growth, price level, poverty headcount ratio, and carbon emissions under investigation of different plausible hypothesis, including "population-induced poverty trap," "welfare-reducing effects," "environmental Kuznets curve," and "pollution haven" hypotheses in the cross-sectional setting of 98 developed and developing countries for the period of 2011. The study used cross-sectional regression and switching regression regime for empirical analysis. The result shows a positive relationship between changes in price level and carbon emissions that verify "welfare-reducing effects," while there is a negative relationship between population growth and poverty at varying poverty threshold to support the "Gary Becker human capital theory." Further, there is a positive relationship between poverty rates and carbon emissions across countries. The results verified the "pollution haven" hypothesis in account of increase in pollution through financial liberalization policies. A U-shaped relationship is found between economic growth and carbon emissions in a given time period. The study concludes that globalized world should have to be careful when devising environmental sustainability policies, as it is important to provide social safety nets to the lower income strata group; hence, it would be helpful to achieve global green development agenda.The surface of the earth is rapidly changing every day due to certain natural reasons and other impacts by society. Over the last few decades, the hottest topics in the field of remote sensing and GIS (geographic information system) environments have evolved from observing the nature of the earth. Owing to the enlargement of several worldwide modifications related to the nature of the earth, land use/land cover (LU/LC) change is considered as the matter of utmost importance in the natural atmosphere, and it has also become an interesting area to be studied by the researchers. As there is a lack of review articles in the land use/land cover change analysis process, we presented a comprehensive review which may help the researchers to proceed further. This paper deals with the most frequent methods used by researchers on various processes like pre-processing, classification, and prediction of time series satellite images for analyzing the LU/LC changes using satellite images. The generic flow of the LU/LC change analysis process and the challenges faced during each process by the researchers are discussed. Varied resolutions of the environmental image captured by remote sensing satellites for analyzing the LU/LC changes are discussed. Various LU/LC classes depending on change in the earth's surface are also studied and the constraint used in each application is stated. The importance of this review lies in the motivation for future researchers to work on the LU/LC change analysis problem effectively.The South Korean Government is considering designating Jaran Bay, the habitat of the endangered marine species, Neophocaena asiaeorientalis, as a marine protected area. The Government needs information about public acceptance and the economic benefits of the designation. To unveil the information, this article aims to examine the public willingness to pay (WTP) using a contingent valuation based on a nationwide survey of 1000 households. As a WTP elicitation method, the one-and-one-half-bounded question format of asking an interviewee whether she/he has the intention of paying a presented bid through annual income tax was adopted. The WTP for the designation was statistically significantly estimated to be KRW 2665 (USD 2.27) per year per household. The estimate of the annual national value amounted to KRW 53 billion (USD 45.30 million). This value is by no means small, but it would take a huge amount of effort to elicit public consensus on the designation considering that a significant proportion of respondents (64.4%) revealed zero WTP.Metal accumulation by Spirulina platensis from synthetic effluents with the following chemical composition Cr/Fe, Cr/Fe/Ni, Cr/Fe/Ni/Zn, and Cr/Fe/Ni/Zn/Cu during repeated cultivation cycle was investigated. Metal ions in different concentrations were added to the culture medium at the exponential and stationary phases of biomass growth and their uptake by biomass was traced using neutron activation analysis. The effect of metal ions on biomass and main biochemical components (proteins, carbohydrates, lipids, phycobilins, and β-carotene) was monitored. S. platensis keeps high metal accumulation capacity during 2-3 cultivation cycles, while the metal ions were added in the stationary phase of its growth. By adding metals in the exponential phase of growth in the following concentrations 10 mg/L of chromium (VI), 5 mg/L of iron, 2 mg/L of zinc, nickel, and copper, Spirulina platensis acted as renewable accumulator only in Cr/Fe system. It maintained the accumulation capacity during three cultivation cycles when exposed to lower concentrations of metal ions. Its ability to accumulate metal ions during several cultivation cycles was ensured by the maintenance of the optimal level of proteins and lipid in biomass.The lungs are one the main organs exposed to environmental pollutants, such as tropospheric ozone (O3) and particulate matter (PM), which induce lung pathologies through similar mechanisms, resulting in altered redox homeostasis and inflammation. Although numerous studies have investigated the effects of these pollutants in the respiratory tract, there are only a few evidences that have evaluated the combined effects of outdoor stressors, despite the fact that humans are consistently exposed to more pollutants simultaneously. In this study, we wanted to investigate whether exposure to PM and O3 could have an additive, noxious effect in lung epithelial cells by measuring oxidative damage and the activity of redox-sensitive nuclear factor erythroid 2-related factor 2 (Nrf2) which is a master regulator of cellular antioxidant defenses. First, we measured the cytotoxic effects of O3 and PM individually and in combination. We observed that both pollutants alone increased LDH release 24 h post-exposure. Interestingly, we did observe via TEM that combined exposure to O3 and PM resulted in increased cellular penetration of PM particles.