A cross-sectional survey was conducted to determine the seroprevalence and risk factors influencing the presence of Brucella spp. antibodies in donkeys in Yobe south senatorial zone, Nigeria. The study was aimed at determining the importance of Brucella spp. infection in donkeys (Equus asinus). A total of 200 sera samples from of 105 males and 95 female donkeys were collected and screened for brucellosis using the rose bengal plate test (RBPT) and the indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (iELISA). Data obtained were analyzed to determine associations and risk factors. The analysis revealed that 21.5% and 18.5% were seropositive by RBPT and iELISA respectively, with 22.0% and 20.0% of the male and female donkeys being seropositive by RBPT, and 19.0% and 17.9% of the male and female donkeys being seropositive by iELISA, respectively. There was a statistically significant association between donkey age and positive rate of iELISA for detecting Brucella infection. Though the positive rate was higher for males than females, there was no statistically significant association between sex and location of donkeys and the sensitivities of RBPT and iELISA for detecting Brucella infection. In conclusion, this study indicates that brucellosis exists with high seroprevalence particularly among male and adult donkeys and is of public health significance and economic importance because it can lead to infertility and abortion in the stock. ©2020 The Japanese Society of Equine Science.Ten mule foals were used to investigate serum IgG concentration. Blood was collected from mares and foals on the day following parturition (D1), at 48 and 72 hr after birth (D2 and D3), and on D7, D14, D21, D28, D35, D42, and D60. Serum IgG concentration was determined by zinc sulfate turbidity test and was above 400 mg/dl at all time points, except for one foal on D2. Mean values were above 800 mg/dl from D1 to D7 and at D60. The difference between mares and foals at each collection time was significant, except at D1. For all other days, foal IgG values were lower than the mare IgG values. Mean IgG concentrations were lower from D14 to D42 compared with D1 and D60. The results show that the critical period for the mule foal is at D28, which can be a vulnerable window for infections. The variation pattern in IgG values is similar to that in data published for horse and donkey foals. There are no published studies to date on the subject, and the present contribution enables further understanding of the newborn mule foal. ©2020 The Japanese Society of Equine Science.The present study was designed to investigate the chemoprotective effect of green tea extract (GTE), rosmarinic acid (RA) and rosemary extract (RE) against diethylnitrosamine (DEN) initiated and ferric nitrilotriacetate (Fe-NTA) promoted nephrotoxicity in rats. Forty male rats were categorized into five Group I included healthy rats, group II received DEN+Fe-NTA, group III received 200 mg/kg b.wt. of RE+DEN+Fe-NTA, group IV received 1 g/kg b.wt. of GTE+DEN+Fe-NTA and group V received 50 mg/kg b.wt. of RA+DEN+Fe-NTA. RE, GTE, RA were given orally for 14 days before single intraperitoneal administration of DEN (160 mg/kg) till the end of the experiment. Eighteen days after DEN, a single intraperitoneal dose of Fe-NTA (5 mg Fe/kg) was administrated to rats to promote nephrotoxicity. The biochemical parameters were analyzed in serum at time intervals while the malondialdehyde (MDA) and tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α) were assessed in both serum and renal tissues. Kidney from each group was histopathologically examined at time intervals. The administration of Fe-NTA after DEN dose to albino rats resulted in acute nephrotoxicity which was characterized by a highly significant elevation of serum urea, creatinine, uric acid (p=0.000), serum and renal MDA and TNF-α (p=0.000) with vacuolation of epithelial lining renal tubules. The administration of RE, GTE and RA prior to DEN+Fe-NTA treatment significantly ameliorated the observed increased levels of the above mentioned parameters. GTE, RA & RE exerted a protective effect against renal toxicity with GTE showing a more pronounced effect on renal function parameters while RA showed the best antioxidant impact. Copyright © 2019 SETOX & Institute of Experimental Pharmacology and Toxicology, SASc.Cisplatin and carboplatin are integral parts of many antineoplastic management regimens. Both platinum analogues are potent DNA alkylating agents that robustly induce genomic instability and promote apoptosis in tumor cells. Although the mechanism of action of both drugs is similar, cisplatin appears to be more cytotoxic. In this study, the genotoxic potential of cisplatin and carboplatin was compared using chromosomal aberrations (CAs) and sister-chromatid exchange (SCE) assays in cultured human lymphocytes. https://www.selleckchem.com/products/ptc-209.html Results showed that cisplatin and carboplatin induced a significant increase in CAs and SCEs compared to the control group (p0.05). In conclusion, cisplatin was found to be more genotoxic than carboplatin in the SCE assay in cultured human lymphocytes, and that might explain the higher cytotoxicity of cisplatin. Copyright © 2019 SETOX & Institute of Experimental Pharmacology and Toxicology, SASc.Lead is a toxic heavy metal and there is no specific, safe and efficacious therapeutic management of lead toxicity. Scientific literature reported that some probiotic microorganisms alleviated experimentally induced lead toxicity. The present review attempts to collate the experimental studies on probiotics with ameliorative effects. Literature survey revealed that four (4) types of probiotic microorganisms exhibited significant protection from lead toxicity in experimental pre-clinical studies. No clinical study with significant outcome was found in the literature. From the outcomes of the preclinical studies it appears that probiotics are prospective for alleviation and treatment of lead toxicity. Copyright © 2019 SETOX & Institute of Experimental Pharmacology and Toxicology, SASc.Butyrfentanyl and its analogues are being increasingly used throughout the United States and Europe. Currently, lethal cases are emerging across the United States, England, and Europe without any end in sight. We therefore performed a systematic review of existing case reports on the literature of butyrfentanyl and similar analogs. We searched PubMed and Embase for articles (up until September 2018) using terms such as "butyrfentanyl" or "butyrylfentanyl." In total, our search found 271 articles and identified 10 for inclusion in this review. A total of 33 cases were found with 61% of those being fatal. The most common route of administration was intravenous, but other routes of administration were readily used such as oral, intranasal, and inhalation. Most cases reported use of concomitant licit and illicit pharmacological agents. The toxidrome was consistent with other opioid overdoses, and naloxone was successfully used in nine of 10 patients. We encourage toxicology screenings of novel fentanyl analogs such as butyrfentanyl or 4-fluorobutyrfentanyl when an opioid overdose of unknown nature presents.