Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are ubiquitous in the air, oils, water, and food products we encounter every day. Among these exposures, food consumption is a major route of PAH exposure for nonsmokers. The PAH dietary exposure levels vary among different countries; however, many studies have shown PAH exposure to be highly concerning to human health. The levels of PAH contamination in food are mainly influenced by processing procedures and cooking methods, and they could be attenuated by modifying cooking procedures and adding antioxidant-rich marinades. Several PAHs have toxic, mutagenic, and carcinogenic properties. The PAH benzo[a]pyrene (BaP) is particularly regarded as carcinogenic. There are three major metabolism pathways for PAHs, and the final products can bind to DNA, thus exerting mutagenic effects. Biological monitoring through the use of biomarkers is necessary for comprehensive and accurate risk assessments of human PAH exposure. It is important to reduce dietary PAH exposure and to implement reasonable and effective risk management strategies to reduce PAH levels in food to improve public health.Membraneless coacervate compartments in the intracellular and pericellular space mediate critical cellular functions. Developing synthetic coacervates that emulate the morphological, physical, and functional complexity of these natural coacervates is challenging but highly desirable. Herein, a generalizable nanoparticle assembly (NPA) strategy is developed, which is applicable to interactive core-shell nanoparticles with different chemical makeups, to fabricate vacuolated coacervates. The obtained NPA coacervates contain stable internal vacuoles to provide segregated microcompartments, which can mediate the spatially heterogeneous distribution of diverse macromolecules via restricted diffusion. It is further shown that the vacuolated NPA coacervates can harbor and retain macromolecular medium sup