High-density lipoprotein (HDL) is a circulating complex of lipids and proteins known primarily for its role in reverse cholesterol transport and consequent protection from atheroma. In spite of this, therapies aimed at increasing HDL concentration do not reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD), and as such focus has shifted towards other HDL functions protective of vascular health - including vasodilatory, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and anti-thrombotic actions. It has been demonstrated that in disease states such as CVD and conditions of insulin resistance such as Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM), HDL function is impaired owing to changes in the abundance and function of HDL-associated lipids and proteins, resulting in reduced vascular protection. However, the gold standard density ultracentrifugation technique used in the isolation of HDL also co-isolates extracellular vesicles (EVs). EVs are ubiquitous cell-derived particles with lipid bilayers that carry a number of lipids, proteins and DNA/RNA/miRNAs involved in cell-to-cell communication. EVs transfer their bioactive load through interaction with cell surface receptors, membrane fusion and endocytic pathways, and have been implicated in both cardiovascular and metabolic diseases - both as protective and pathogenic mediators. Given that studies using density ultracentrifugation to isolate HDL also co-isolate EVs, biological effects attributed to HDL may be confounded by EVs. We hypothesise that some of HDL's vascular protective functions in cardiovascular and metabolic disease may be mediated by EVs. Elucidating the contribution of EVs to HDL functions will provide better understanding of vascular protection and function in conditions of insulin resistance and potentially provide novel therapeutic targets for such diseases.Influenza virus causes an acute febrile respiratory disease in humans that is commonly known as 'flu'. Influenza virus has been around for centuries and is one of the most successful, and consequently most studied human viruses. This has generated tremendous amount of data and information, thus it is pertinent to summarise these for, particularly interdisciplinary readers. Viruses are acellular organisms and exist at the interface of living and non-living. Due to this unique characteristic, viruses require another organism, i.e. host to survive. https://www.selleckchem.com/products/cb-839.html Viruses multiply inside the host cell and are obligate intracellular pathogens, because their relationship with the host is almost always harmful to host. In mammalian cells, the life cycle of a virus, including influenza is divided into five main steps attachment, entry, synthesis, assembly and release. To complete these steps, some viruses, e.g. influenza utilise all three parts - plasma membrane, cytoplasm and nucleus, of the cell; whereas others, e.g. SARS-CoV-2 utilise only plasma membrane and cytoplasm. Hence, viruses interact with numerous host factors to complete their life cycle, and these interactions are either exploitative or antagonistic in nature. The host factors involved in the life cycle of a virus could be divided in two broad categories - proviral and antiviral. This perspective has endeavoured to assimilate the information about the host factors which promote and suppress influenza virus infection. Furthermore, an insight into host factors that play a dual role during infection or contribute to influenza virus-host adaptation and disease severity has also been provided.We evaluated the potential for mosquitoes collected in the Amazon Basin, near Iquitos, Peru, to become infected with and transmit Murutucu (MURV) and Itaqui viruses (ITQV) (Order Bunyavirales, Family Peribunyaviridae, Genus Orthobunyavirus). Viremia levels in Syrian hamsters peaked 2 d after infection with either virus, and both viruses were highly lethal in hamsters with virtually all hamsters dying prior to 3-d postinfection. For almost all of the mosquito species tested some individuals were susceptible to infection and some developed a disseminated infection after oral exposure to either MURV or ITQV. However, only the Culex species (Culex (Culex) coronator Dyar and Knab [Diptera, Culicidae], Culex (Melanoconian) gnomatos Sallum, Huchings, and Ferreira [Diptera, Culicidae], Culex (Mel.) pedroi Sirivanakarn and Belkin [Diptera, Culicidae], and Culex (Mel.) vomerifer Komp [Diptera, Culicidae]) successfully transmitted virus by bite. However, even among these species, only about 37% of the individuals with a disseminated infection successfully transmitted these viruses, indicating a significant salivary gland barrier. Although little is known about the medical or veterinary importance of many members of the genus Orthobunyavirus, we have demonstrated that Culex spp. (Diptera, Culicidae) could be potential vectors.Antibiotic use in livestock accounts for 80% of total antibiotic use in the United States and has been described as the driver for resistance evolution and spread. As clinical infections with multidrug-resistant pathogens are rapidly rising, there remains a missing link between agricultural antibiotic use and its impact on human health. In this study, two species of filth flies from a livestock operation were collected over the course of 11 mo house flies Musca domestica (L.) (Diptera Muscidae), representing a generalist feeder, and stable flies Stomoxys calcitrans (L.) (Diptera Muscidae), representing a specialist (blood) feeder. The prevalence of flies carrying cefotaxime-resistant (CTX-R) bacteria in whole bodies and dissected guts were assayed by culturing on antibiotic-selective media, with distinct colonies identified by Sanger sequencing. Of the 149 flies processed, including 81 house flies and 68 stable flies, 18 isolates of 12 unique bacterial species resistant to high-level cefotaxime were recovered. These isolates also showed resistance to multiple classes of antibiotics. The CTX-R isolates were predominantly recovered from female flies, which bore at least two resistant bacterial species. The majority of resistant bacteria were isolated from the guts encompassing both enteric pathogens and commensals, sharing no overlap between the two fly species. Together, we conclude that house flies and stable flies in the field could harbor multidrug-resistant bacteria. The fly gut may serve as a reservoir for the acquisition and dissemination of resistance genes.