A final formulation is given for the final number of tumor cells as a function of initial tumor size and distance between a parent vessel and a tumor. Results of this simulation demonstrate that, increasing the distance between a tumor and a parent vessel decreases the number of final tumor cells. Specially, this decrement becomes faster beyond a certain distance. Moreover, initial tumors in bigger domains must become much bigger before inducing angiogenesis which makes it harder for them to survive.Can perceptions of impurity uniquely explain moral judgment? Or is moral judgment reducible to perceptions of harm? Whereas some perspectives posit that purity violations may drive moral judgment distinctly from harm violations, other perspectives contend that perceived harm is an essential precursor of moral condemnation. We tested these competing hypotheses through five preregistered experiments (total N = 2,944) investigating U.S. adults' perceptions of social distancing violations during the COVID-19 pandemic. Perceived harm was more strongly related to moral judgment than was perceived impurity. Nevertheless, over and above perceived harm, perceived impurity reliably explained unique variance in moral judgment. Effects of perceived harm and impurity were significant among both liberal and conservative participants but were larger among liberals. Results suggest that appraisals of both harm and impurity provide valuable insights into moral cognition. We discuss implications of these findings for dyadic morality, moral foundations, act versus character judgments, and political ideology.Tracing the boundaries of freedom of expression is a matter of wide societal and academic import-especially, as these boundaries encroach on the politics of inclusion. Yet, the elements that constitute offensive speech and determine its legal status remain poorly defined. In two studies, we examined how lay judges evaluate the offensiv