The participants reported that the distribution of face masks and hydroalcoholicsolutions (92·5%), socialdistancingand hygiene (6·3%) are the most important measures that need to be in place for safe donation.Thenumber of blood donations dropped by 21·5% between 2019 and 2020. Most of the donors know COVID-19, its transmission routes and manifestations. In the absence of barrier measures, they perceive blood donation as a threat to their health. Distribution of masks and hydroalcoholicsolution might motivate more donors and improve the blood supply. Most of the donors know COVID-19, its transmission routes and manifestations. In the absence of barrier measures, they perceive blood donation as a threat to their health. Distribution of masks and hydroalcoholic solution might motivate more donors and improve the blood supply.Complex crises like the coronavirus pandemic are showing us that modern societies are becoming increasingly unable to live in equilibrium with nature. These crises are the result of multiple causes, which interact at different scales and across different domains. Therefore, investigating their proximate causes is not enough to fully understand them. It is also crucial to take into account the structural factors involved. As concerns the global pandemic, I suggest four levels of analysis (i) the surface or "proximate" level of the crisis; (ii) the human-environment-animal interface, as pointed out by the One Health approach; (iii) the broader socioeconomic context; and (iv) the deeper or worldview level. Furthermore, I argue that there is the need for a mindset shift if we want to properly trace causality. Much more attention must be given to the study of multilevel connecting patterns and nonlinear mechanisms as the producers of emergent global effects. Dietary fructans may worsen gastrointestinal symptoms in children with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). To determine whether gut microbiome