For grade classification, the accuracy values of the training and test datasets were 99.93% and 81.52% for all patients; 99.98% and 98.51% for grade I meningiomas; 99.91% and 66.67% for grade II meningiomas; and 99.88% and 73.91% for grade III meningiomas, respectively. The automated detection, segmentation and grade classification of meningiomas based on deep learning were accurate and reliable and may improve the monitoring and treatment of this frequently occurring tumor entity. Furthermore, the method could function as a useful tool for preassessment and preselection for radiologists, offering auxiliary information for clinical decision making in presurgical evaluation.A growing number of self-report measures aim to define interactions with social media in a pathological behavior framework, often using terminology focused on identifying those who are 'addicted' to engaging with others online. Specifically, measures of 'social media addiction' focus on motivations for online social information seeking, which could relate to motivations for offline social information seeking. However, it could be the case that these same measures could reveal a pattern of friend addiction in general. This study develops the Offline-Friend Addiction Questionnaire (O-FAQ) by re-wording items from highly cited pathological social media use scales to reflect "spending time with friends". Our methodology for validation follows the current literature precedent in the development of social media 'addiction' scales. The O-FAQ had a three-factor solution in an exploratory sample of N = 807 and these factors were stable in a 4-week retest (r = .72 to .86) and was validated against personality traits, and risk-taking behavior, in conceptually plausible directions. Using the same polythetic classification techniques as pathological social media use studies, we were able to classify 69% of our sample as addicted to spending time with their friends. The discussion of our satirical research is a critical reflection on the role of measurement and human sociality in social media research. We question the extent to which connecting with others can be considered an 'addiction' and discuss issues concerning the validation of new 'addiction' measures without relevant medical constructs. Readers should approach our measure with a level of skepticism that should be afforded to current social media addiction measures.Problem-solving strategies in visual reasoning tasks are often studied based on the analysis of eye movements, which yields high-quality data but is costly and difficult to implement on a large scale. We devised a new graphical user interface for matrix reasoning tasks where the analysis of computer mouse movements makes it possible to investigate item exploration and, in turn, problem-solving strategies. While relying on the same active perception principles underlying eye-tracking (ET) research, this approach has the additional advantages of being user-friendly and easy to implement in real-world testing conditions, and records only voluntary decisions. A pilot study confirmed that embedding items of Raven's Advanced Progressive Matrices (APM) in the interface did not significantly alter its psychometric properties. Experiment 1 indicated that mouse-based exploration indices, when used to assess two major problem-solving strategies in the APM, are related to final performance-as has been found in past ET research. Experiment 2 suggested that constraining some features of the interface favored the adoption of the more efficient solving strategy for some participants. Overall, the findings support the relevance of the present methodology for accessing and manipulating problem-solving strategies.While formal youth mentoring can positively influence youth connectedness, little research has studied the specific approaches mentors engage in that support mentee social development. This study examines how mentors' specific approaches are uniquely associated with youth connection outcomes in formal community-based mentoring. Participants were 766 youth, ranging in age from 11 to 14 (M = 12.29), 56.7% female, and racially/ethnically diverse (41.0% Black/African American, 21.4% Hispanic/Latinx, 20.0% White, 10.2% Multiracial/Multiethnic, 5.9% Native American, 1.2% other race, and 0.4% Asian/Pacific Islander). Person-centered analyses revealed three mentoring profiles which were differentially associated with youth outcomes "Status Quo Mentors," who reported low-to-moderate levels of closeness within the mentor-mentee dyad, low levels of connecting their mentees with programs and people in their community, and low levels of mediating for their mentees; "Close Connectors," who reported moderate-to-high levels of closeness, moderate-to-high levels of connecting, and low levels of mediating; and "Connector-Mediators," who reported moderate levels of closeness, connecting, and mediating. Youth mentored by "Close Connectors" demonstrated the greatest benefit, with significant improvements in parent-child relationship quality, extracurricular activity involvement, and help-seeking. Results suggest that community-based mentoring programs that emphasize connecting youth within their communities may be more effective in enhancing youth support networks.The NAD+-dependent formate dehydrogenase (FDH; EC from Candida boidinii (CboFDH) has been extensively used in NAD(H)-dependent industrial biocatalysis as well as in the production of renewable fuels and chemicals from carbon dioxide. In the present work, the effect of amino acid residues Phe285, Gln287, and His311 on structural stability was investigated by site-directed mutagenesis. The wild-type and mutant enzymes (Gln287Glu, His311Gln, and Phe285Thr/His311Gln) were cloned and expressed in Escherichia coli. Circular dichroism (CD) spectroscopy was used to determine the effect of each mutation on thermostability. The results showed the decisive roles of Phe285, Gln287, and His311 on enhancing the enzyme's thermostability. The melting temperatures for the wild-type and the mutant enzymes Gln287Glu, His311Gln, and Phe285Thr/His311Gln were 64, 70, 77, and 73 °C, respectively. The effects of pH and temperature on catalytic activity of the wild-type and mutant enzymes were also investigated. Interestingly, the mutant enzyme His311Gln exhibits a large shift of pH optimum at the basic pH range (1 pH unit) and substantial increase of the optimum temperature (25 °C).