Intravenous penicillin G was prescribed for all except one patient, who received ceftriaxone with good therapeutic response. During follow-up, 1.6% infants died, 6.5% had persistent kidney disorders and 1.6% showed bone sequelae damage. RPR titers decreased after treatment, reaching negative seroconversion in 43% subjects at a median of 26.4 months. Low adherence to follow up was observed due to inherent vulnerable and low-income population characteristics in our cohort. Our results highlight a rising tendency in cases referred for CS in our population with high morbidity related to delayed diagnosis. A good therapeutic response was observed. CS requires a greater effort from the health system to adequately screen for this disease during pregnancy, and to detect cases earlier, to provide an adequate diagnosis and treatment.Understanding public attitudes towards death is needed to inform health policies to foster community death awareness and preparedness. Linguistic sentiment analysis of how people describe their feelings about death can add to knowledge gained from traditional self-reports. This study provided the first description of emotive attitudes expressed towards death utilising textual sentiment analysis for the dimensions of valence, arousal and dominance. A linguistic lexicon of sentiment norms was applied to activities conducted in an online course for the general-public designed to generate discussion about death. We analysed the sentiment of words people chose to describe feelings about death, for themselves, for perceptions of the feelings of 'others', and for longitudinal changes over the time-period of exposure to a course about death (n = 1491). The results demonstrated that sadness pervades affective responses to death, and that inevitability, peace, and fear were also frequent reactions. However, words chosehealth policy interest such as attitudes towards Advance Care Planning and palliative care may prove fruitful.Molar incisor hypomineralization (MIH) is an enamel condition characterized by lesions ranging in color from white to brown which present rapid caries progression, and mainly affects permanent first molars and incisors. These enamel defects usually occur when there are disturbances during the mineralization or maturation stage of amelogenesis. Both genetic and environmental factors have been suggested to play roles in MIH's development, but no conclusive risk factors have shown the source of the disease. During head and neck development, the interferon regulatory factor 6 (IRF6) gene is involved in the structure formation of the oral and maxillofacial regions, and the transforming growth factor alpha (TGFA) is an essential cell regulator, acting during proliferation, differentiation, migration and apoptosis. In this present study, it was hypothesized that these genes interact and contribute to predisposition of MIH. Environmental factors affecting children that were 3 years of age or older were also hypothesized to play a role in the disease etiology. Those factors included respiratory issues, malnutrition, food intolerance, infection of any sort and medication intake. A total of 1,065 salivary samples from four different cohorts were obtained, and DNA was extracted from each sample and genotyped for nine different single nucleotide polymorphisms. Association tests and logistic regression implemented in PLINK were used for analyses. A potential interaction between TGFA rs930655 with all markers tested in the cohort from Turkey was identified. These interactions were not identified in the remaining cohorts. Associations (p less then 0.05) between the use of medication after three years of age and MIH were also found, suggesting that conditions acquired at the age children start to socialize might contribute to the development of MIH.Q fever is a widespread zoonotic disease caused by the intracellular bacterium Coxiella burnetii. While transmission is primarily but not exclusively airborne, ticks are usually thought to act as vectors on the basis of early microscopy studies. However, recent observations revealed that endosymbionts of ticks have been commonly misidentified as C. burnetii, calling the importance of tick-borne transmission into question. In this study, we re-evaluated the vector competence of the African soft tick Ornithodoros moubata for an avirulent strain of C. burnetii. To this end, we used an artificial feeding system to initiate infection of ticks, specific molecular tools to monitor further infections, and culture assays in axenic and cell media to check for the viability of C. burnetii excreted by ticks. We observed typical traits associated with vector competence The exposure to an infected blood meal resulted in viable and persistent infections in ticks, trans-stadial transmissions of infection from nymphs to adults and the ability of adult ticks to transmit infectious C. burnetii. However, in contrast to early studies, we found that infection differed substantially between tick organs. In addition, while adult female ticks were infected, we did not observe C. burnetii in eggs, suggesting that transovarial transmission is not effective. Finally, we detected only a sporadic presence of C. burnetii DNA in tick faeces, but no living bacterium was further isolated in culture assays, suggesting that excretion in faeces is not a common mode of transmission in O. moubata.The ectomycorrhizal fungal symbiont Cenococcum geophilum is of high interest as it is globally distributed, associates with many plant species, and has resistance to multiple environmental stressors. C. geophilum is only known from asexual states but is often considered a cryptic species complex, since extreme phylogenetic divergence is often observed within nearly morphologically identical strains. Alternatively, C. geophilum may represent a highly diverse single species, which would suggest cryptic but frequent recombination. Here we describe a new isolate collection of 229 C. geophilum isolates from soils under Populus trichocarpa at 123 collection sites spanning a ~283 mile north-south transect in Western Washington and Oregon, USA (PNW). To further understanding of the phylogenetic relationships within C. geophilum, we performed maximum likelihood and Bayesian phylogenetic analyses to assess divergence within the PNW isolate collection, as well as a global phylogenetic analysis of 789 isolates with publicly available data from the United States, Japan, and European countries.