Polymethylacrylate particles (Dermalive) induced the lowest cellular reaction but had disappeared clinically at 6 months. Polyacrylamide (Aquamid) was well tolerated and remained palpable to a lessening degree over the entire testing period. Histologically, it dissipated more slowly and was kept in place through fine fibrous capsules. Polyvinylhydroxide microspheres suspended in acrylamide (Evolution) were well tolerated, slowly diminishing over 9 months. Calcium hydroxylapatite microspheres (Radiance FN) induced almost no foreign body reaction but were absorbed by the skin at 12 months.Host defense mechanisms react differently to the various filler materials, but all substances- resorbable or nonresorbable-appeared to be clinically and histologically safe, although all exhibit undesirable side effects. Since the mechanism of late inflammation or granuloma formation is still unknown, early histological findings are not useful in predicting possible late reactions to filler substances.The author describes a revolutionary body contouring technique based on the surgical use of ultrasonic energy. It allows the selective destruction of only excess adipose tissue. The technique is based on three fundamental steps (1) preparation of the areas to be treated with a large infiltration of a special solution, (2) treatment of the areas with ultrasonic energy through special titanium probes, (3) manual remodeling of the treated areas to eliminate the fluid from the bursted adipocytes (fatty acids). The advantages of this new technique are selective destruction of just the undesired tissues, elimination of the fluid from the adipose tissues, and the possibility of a real "lifting" of the skin of the treated areas, and a reduction of physical strain on the surgeon. The author has already treated more than 280 patients with excellent results and without contraindications or undesired side effects. The fundamental steps of