This study examined approaches to delivering brief interventions (BI) for risky substance use and sexual behaviors in school-based health centers (SBHCs). 300 Adolescents (ages 14-18; 54 % female) with risky marijuana and/or alcohol use identified via CRAFFT screening (scores >1) were recruited from two SBHCs and randomized to computer-delivered BI (CBI) or nurse practitioner-delivered BI (NBI). Both BIs included motivational and didactic content targeting marijuana, alcohol, and risky sexual behaviors. Assessments at baseline, 3-month, and 6-month follow-up included past 30-day frequency of marijuana use, alcohol use, binge drinking, unprotected sex, and sex while intoxicated; marijuana and alcohol problems; and health-related quality-of-life (HRQoL). A focused cost-effectiveness analysis was conducted. An historical 'assessment-only' cohort (N=50) formed a supplementary quasi-experimental comparison group. There were no significant differences between NBI and CBI on any outcomes considered (e.g., dr assessment-only. Both NBI and CBI could be useful in SBHCs.Biomineralized vivianite induced by dissimilatory iron reduction bacteria (DIRB) has received increasing attention because it alleviates phosphorus crisis and phosphorus pollution simultaneously. However, the relatively small crystal size and low Fe(III) reduction rate restrict the separation and recovery of vivianite. In this study, graphite was selected as additive to enhance vivianite biomineralization with soluble ferric citrate and insoluble hematite as two representative electron acceptors. As soluble ferric citrate provided abundant accessible electron acceptors, relatively inconspicuous increase (lower than 7%) was observed for graphite on vivianite formation while inoculated with raw sewage or DIRB. In contrast, graphite considerably increased vivianite formation efficiency by 23% in insoluble hematite inoculated with raw sewage. The graphite promotion on vivianite formation in hematite batch was magnified to 70% by DIRB. Dosing hematite inhibited the supply of electron acceptors, while conductive graphite promoted the electrical connection between minerals and DIRB, thus improved the Fe(III) reduction rate and efficiency. In addition, secondary minerals in hematite exhibited a larger aspect ratio and tended to aggregate on graphite. Graphite enlarged the vivianite size in hematite from 10 µm to 90 µm due to aggregation. Enhancing dissimilatory iron reduction (DIR) rate of iron oxides and enlarging crystal size provide new insights for vivianite formation and separation during wastewater treatment.The objective of this paper is to use plant-wide modeling to assess the net impacts of varying sludge management strategies. Special emphasis is placed on effluent quality, operational cost and potential resource recovery (energy, nutrients). The study is particularly focused on a centralized bio-solids beneficiation facility (BBF), which enables larger, more capital intensive sludge management strategies. Potential barriers include the ability to process reject streams from multiple donor plants in the host plant. Cape Flats (CF) wastewater treatment works (WWTW) (Cape Town, South Africa) was used as a relevant test case since it is currently assessing to process sludge cake from three nearby facilities (Athlone, Mitchells Plain and Wildevoelvlei). A plant-wide model based on the Benchmark Simulation Model no 2 (BSM2) extended with phosphorus transformations was adapted to the CF design / operational conditions. Flow diagram and model parameters were adjusted to reproduce the influent, effluent and process colids volumes to dispose by improving sludge dewaterability. The study also reveals the importance of including struvite precipitation and harvesting (SPH) technology, and the effect that pH in the AD and the use of chemicals (NaOH, MgO) may have on phosphorus recovery. Model-based results indicate that the current aerobic volume in the water line (if properly aerated) would be able to handle the returns from the sludge line and the contribution of a granular partial nitritation/Anammox (PN/ANX) reactor on the overall nitrogen removal would be marginal. However autotrophic N denitrification generates a much lower sludge production and therefore increases AD treatment capacity. The study shows for the very first time in Africa how the use of a (calibrated) plant-wide model could assist water utilities to decide between competing plant layouts when upgrading a WWTW.Somersaults with or without twists are the most important elements in sports such as gymnastics or trampolining. Moreover, to perform elements with the highest possible difficulty gymnasts should show good form and execution during the flight phase. In order to ensure perfect body control and a safe landing, gaze behavior has been proven to be crucial for athletes to orientate in the air. As eye movement and head movement are closely coordinated, both must be examined while investigating gaze behavior. The aim of the current study is to analyze athletes' head motion and gaze behavior during somersaults with full twists. 15 skilled trampoline gymnasts performed back straight somersaults with a full twist (back full) on the trampoline. Eye movement and head movement were recorded using a portable eye-tracking device and a motion capture suit. The results indicate that gymnasts use the trampoline bed as a fixation point for orientation and control the back full, whereas the fixation onsets for athletes of a better performance class occur significantly later. A strong coordination between gymnasts' eye movement and head movement could be determined stabilizing the gaze during the fixation period, the eyes move in combination with the head against the twisted somersault direction to counteract the whole body rotation. Although no significant differences could be found between the performance classes with regard to the maximum axial head rotations and maximum head extensions, there seems to be a trend that less skilled gymnasts need orientation as early as possible resulting in greater head rotation angles but a poorer execution.