001 ) and AAAs ( p = 0.031 ). Furthermore, statistically significant differences in segmentation time were found between PISP and D2P for segmentations of AAAs ( p = 0.008 ). There were no statistically significant differences in segmentation time for TPs. The accumulated mesh quality scores were highest for segmentations performed in MIS, followed by D2P. Conclusion Based on segmentation time and mesh quality, MIS and D2P are capable of enhancing the in-hospital 3D print workflow. However, they should be integrated with the picture archiving and communication system to truly improve the workflow. In addition, these software packages are not open source and additional costs must be incurred.Purpose The lack of standardization in quantitative radiomic measures of tumors seen on computed tomography (CT) scans is generally recognized as an unresolved issue. To develop reliable clinical applications, radiomics must be robust across different CT scan modes, protocols, software, and systems. We demonstrate how custom-designed phantoms, imprinted with human-derived patterns, can provide a straightforward approach to validating longitudinally stable radiomic signature values in a clinical setting. Approach Described herein is a prototype process to design an anatomically informed 3D-printed radiomic phantom. We used a multimaterial, ultra-high-resolution 3D printer with voxel printing capabilities. Multiple tissue regions of interest (ROIs), from four pancreas tumors, one lung tumor, and a liver background, were extracted from digital imaging and communication in medicine (DICOM) CT exam files and were merged together to develop a multipurpose, circular radiomic phantom (18 cm diameter and 4 cm width). The phantom was scanned 30 times using standard clinical CT protocols to test repeatability. Features that have been found to be prognostic for various diseases were then investigated for their repeatability and reproducibility across different CT scan modes. Results The structural similarity index between the segment used from the patients' DICOM image and the phantom CT scan was 0.71. The coefficient variation for all assessed radiomic features was ± 15 % . Conclusions Previously discovered prognostic and popular radiomic features are variable in practice and need to be interpreted with caution or excluded from clinical implementation. Voxel-based 3D printing can reproduce tissue morphology seen on CT exams. https://www.selleckchem.com/products/AT9283.html We believe that this is a flexible, yet practical, way to design custom phantoms to validate and compare radiomic metrics longitudinally, over time, and across systems.Understanding the complex interrelationships between wildfire and its environmental and anthropogenic controls is crucial for wildfire modeling and management. Although machine learning (ML) models have yielded significant improvements in wildfire predictions, their limited interpretability has been an obstacle for their use in advancing understanding of wildfires. This study builds an ML model incorporating predictors of local meteorology, land-surface characteristics, and socioeconomic variables to predict monthly burned area at grid cells of 0.25° × 0.25° resolution over the contiguous United States. Besides these predictors, we construct and include predictors representing the large-scale circulation patterns conducive to wildfires, which largely improves the temporal correlations in several regions by 14%-44%. The Shapley additive explanation is introduced to quantify the contributions of the predictors to burned area. Results show a key role of longitude and latitude in delineating fire regimes with different temporal patterns of burned area. The model captures the physical relationship between burned area and vapor pressure deficit, relative humidity (RH), and energy release component (ERC), in agreement with the prior findings. Aggregating the contribution of predictor variables of all the grids by region, analyses show that ERC is the major contributor accounting for 14%-27% to large burned areas in the western US. In contrast, there is no leading factor contributing to large burned areas in the eastern US, although large-scale circulation patterns featuring less active upper-level ridge-trough and low RH two months earlier in winter contribute relatively more to large burned areas in spring in the southeastern US.Over the last decades, climate science has evolved rapidly across multiple expert domains. Our best tools to capture state-of-the-art knowledge in an internally self-consistent modeling framework are the increasingly complex fully coupled Earth System Models (ESMs). However, computational limitations and the structural rigidity of ESMs mean that the full range of uncertainties across multiple domains are difficult to capture with ESMs alone. The tools of choice are instead more computationally efficient reduced complexity models (RCMs), which are structurally flexible and can span the response dynamics across a range of domain-specific models and ESM experiments. Here we present Phase 2 of the Reduced Complexity Model Intercomparison Project (RCMIP Phase 2), the first comprehensive intercomparison of RCMs that are probabilistically calibrated with key benchmark ranges from specialized research communities. Unsurprisingly, but crucially, we find that models which have been constrained to reflect the key benchmarks better reflect the key benchmarks. Under the low-emissions SSP1-1.9 scenario, across the RCMs, median peak warming projections range from 1.3 to 1.7°C (relative to 1850-1900, using an observationally based historical warming estimate of 0.8°C between 1850-1900 and 1995-2014). Further developing methodologies to constrain these projection uncertainties seems paramount given the international community's goal to contain warming to below 1.5°C above preindustrial in the long-term. Our findings suggest that users of RCMs should carefully evaluate their RCM, specifically its skill against key benchmarks and consider the need to include projections benchmarks either from ESM results or other assessments to reduce divergence in future projections.