Treatment of homo- and heterocyclic aromatic substrates with basic deuterium oxide under near- or supercritical conditions results in rapid base-catalyzed hydrogen-deuterium exchange (HDE) in aromatic and benzylic positions. It has been postulated that HDE follows a simple deprotonation-reprotonation mechanism, but little evidence has been provided to date. This study correlates experimentally observed proton exchanges in n-butylbenzene with ab initio calculations of the acidities and potential energy (PE) profiles. In addition to providing further support for carbanion intermediacy in HDE, these results offer new insights into substrate acidities in near- and supercritical aqueous media and the optimal conditions required for their isotope exchange.Procyanidin B3 is a natural flavonoid composed of two catechins connected via a C4α-C8' bond. The couplings of catechin derivatives, promoted by Lewis acids, have been widely applied to the syntheses of procyanidin B3 and related flavonoids because the reactions construct the C4α-C8' bond in a highly stereo- and regioselective manner. However, the structural complexity of the catechin derivatives has complicated the exploration of a detailed mechanism for this selectivity. Here, we report the results of a computational study to provide plausible origins for the selective C4α-C8' bond formation of catechin derivatives 1 and 2 by using models 5 and 7. Although a systematic search did not provide SN2-like transition states, we successfully identified transition states TS-A, TS-B, and TS-C for the SN1-type C4α-C8', C4β-C8', and C4α-C6' bond formations, respectively, from a total of 233 transition states to justify the stereo- and regioselectivity of the experimental results. The analysis of these structures by NCIPLOT mapping and the distortion/interaction strain model suggests that the eclipsed interaction at the forming C-C bond between the electrophile and the nucleophile de