Skull base metastasis of prostate cancer associated with cranial nerve palsy is rare. We observed three patients with aggressive prostate cancer who experienced cranial nerve palsy. Case 1 was a 53-year-old patient who was treated with carboplatin and etoposide. He noticed sensory abnormalities on his left mouth edge. Head magnetic resonance imaging revealed skull base metastasis. Case 2 was a 50-year-old patient who received docetaxel. This patient exhibited ptosis of the left eye. Skull base metastasis was detected by magnetic resonance imaging. External beam radiation therapy was performed. Case 3 was a 64-year-old patient who was treated with docetaxel. He experienced ptosis of the right eye and diplopia. He was also treated with external beam radiation therapy. External beam radiation therapy exhibited some efficacy against the symptoms, but skull base metastasis of treatment-resistant prostate cancer has poor prognosis. Three patients died within 3months after symptoms occurred with or without external beam radiation therapy. External beam radiation therapy exhibited some efficacy against the symptoms, but skull base metastasis of treatment-resistant prostate cancer has poor prognosis. Three patients died within 3 months after symptoms occurred with or without external beam radiation therapy. The effect of synthetic mesh after pelvic organ prolapse surgery on the progression of bladder cancer remains unclear. A 79-year-old woman who underwent a tension-free vaginal mesh procedure 8years prior was diagnosed with carcinoma of the bladder. Although intravesical Bacillus Calmette-Guérin therapy was started, the tumor rapidly became muscle invasive. Laparoscopic radical cystectomy was performed following radiochemotherapy; however, the tumor extended to the left internal obturator muscle along the mesh arm. Pathological findings showed desmoplastic high-grade urothelial carcinoma infiltrating around the mesh. Finally, cancer recurred rapidly in the left internal obturator muscle. Synthetic mesh can become an abnormal anatomical pathway for tumor infiltration. Therefore, in high-risk bladder cancer patients who underwent a tension-free vaginal mesh procedure, radical cystectomy should be performed without delay before the tumor invades the perivesical tissue. Synthetic mesh can become an abnormal anatomical pathway for tumor infiltration. Therefore, in high-risk bladder cancer patients who underwent a tension-free vaginal mesh procedure, radical cystectomy should be performed without delay before the tumor invades the perivesical tissue. Men who require intermittent catheterization may be susceptible to balanoposthitis. Benzalkonium chloride is commonly used to disinfect reusable catheters, but the concentration of this solution is critical. A 40-year-old man presented with fever, pus around the glans and foreskin, and difficult catheterization. On physical examination, his urethral meatus was too narrow to insert a catheter. Suprapubic catheterization and 2weeks of intravenous and topical treatment cured the ulcer of the glans. However, after restarting catheterization, the ulcer of the glans relapsed, and the patient's urethral meatus was completely closed. Circumcision and incision of the meatus were performed, and antibiotics were administered. Unexpectedly, restarting catheterization caused recurrent balanoposthitis. Close inquiry revealed that the patient was using a 10% benzalkonium chloride soaking solution for a reusable catheter, which was a toxic concentration. The disinfectant concentration should be confirmed when refractory balanoposthitis is encountered in patients who require catheterization. The disinfectant concentration should be confirmed when refractory balanoposthitis is encountered in patients who require catheterization. The spontaneous regression of metastases, which mostly occurs after surgical resection of the primary tumor, has been described in various malignancies, including renal cell carcinoma. The involvement of the host immune system is currently postulated as the underlying mechanism. We present a case of metastatic clear-cell renal cell carcinoma that achieved complete spontaneous regression of multiple pulmonary metastases preceded by normalization of serum immune markers after cytoreductive nephrectomy. The patient remained disease free for 3years without any systemic therapy, suggesting that postoperative normalization of serum immune markers may indicate recovery of the host immune system, which prevents tumor recurrence. Monitoring of serum immune markers may be useful to identify patients with recovered immune function and, therefore, may not require systemic therapy. Similarly, the case suggests a potential role of cytoreductive nephrectomy in the contemporary management of metastatic renal cell carcinoma. Monitoring of serum immune markers may be useful to identify patients with recovered immune function and, therefore, may not require systemic therapy. Similarly, the case suggests a potential role of cytoreductive nephrectomy in the contemporary management of metastatic renal cell carcinoma. We report a novel perineal urethrostomy procedure for complete loss of anterior urethral tissue. A 74-year-old man had complete necrosis of the corpus spongiosum and corpora cavernosa after repeated transurethral surgical procedures. He had been managed with a suprapubic cystostomy tube for 10years. A perineal urethrostomy was performed, and a posterior wall with an inverted U-shaped perineal skin flap and an anterior wall with a buccal mucosal graft were created. Five months later, an internal urethrotomy was required for mild anastomotic stenosis. Thereafter, an indwelling Foley catheter was used for urine drainage at night to prevent restenosis of the neourethra and avoid excessive nocturia due to low capacity of the long-time disused bladder, and the patient became catheter-free during the daytime. The method presented here is a reasonable option for patients lacking whole anterior urethral tissue. The method presented here is a reasonable option for patients lacking whole anterior urethral tissue.