21-1.29) and a two-fold higher rate of hospitalized infections (US-DOD IRR 2.43; 95% CI 2.23-2.63 and UK-CPRD IRR 2.00; 95% CI 1.84-2.17). IRs of any infection were higher in females compared with males in both MS and non-MS patients, while IRs of hospitalized infections were similar between sexes in both MS and non-MS patients. The IR of first urinary tract or kidney infection was nearly two-fold higher in MS compared with non-MS patients (US-DOD IRR 1.88; 95% CI 1.81-1.95 and UK-CPRD IRR 1.97; 95% CI 1.86-2.09) with higher rates in females compared with males. IRs for any opportunistic infection, candidiasis and any herpes virus were increased between 20 and 52% among MS patients compared with non-MS patients. IRs of meningitis, tuberculosis, hepatitis B and C were all low. CONCLUSION MS patients have an increased risk of infection, notably infections of the renal tract, and a two-fold increased risk of hospitalized infections compared with non-MS patients. V.Deep neural network (DNN) quantization converting floating-point (FP) data in the network to integers (INT) is an effective way to shrink the model size for memory saving and simplify the operations for compute acceleration. Recently, researches on DNN quantization develop from inference to training, laying a foundation for the online training on accelerators. However, existing schemes leaving batch normalization (BN) untouched during training are mostly incomplete quantization that still adopts high precision FP in some parts of the data paths. Currently, there is no solution that can use only low bit-width INT data during the whole training process of large-scale DNNs with acceptable accuracy. In this work, through decomposing all the computation steps in DNNs and fusing three special quantization functions to satisfy the different precision requirements, we propose a unified complete quantization framework termed as "WAGEUBN" to quantize DNNs involving al