in English, Portuguese, OBJETIVO analisar a frequência e fatores associados à cobertura por planos privados de saúde na região metropolitana de Manaus, AM, Brasil. MÉTODOS estudo transversal de base populacional realizado em 2015, por meio de entrevista domiciliar; as razões de prevalência (RP) e intervalos de confiança (IC95%) foram calculadas pela regressão de Poisson, com variância robusta ajustada por sexo e faixa etária. RESULTADOS foram entrevistados 4.001 indivíduos, dos quais 13% (IC95% 12,0 a 14,1%) tinham plano de saúde; maior cobertura por planos foi observada entre militares (RP=3,18 - IC95% 1,64;6,15), empregados dos setores privado (RP=1,91 - IC95% 1,46;2,52) e público (RP=1,75 - IC95% 1,23;2,49); a cobertura por planos de saúde foi menor entre pessoas mais pobres (RP=0,21 - IC95% 0,13;0,33) e de menor escolaridade (RP=0,66 - IC95% 0,46;0,99). CONCLUSÃO a frequência de planos de saúde foi baixa e associou-se a melhor poder aquisitivo, escolaridade e situação de English, Portuguese, OBJETIVO apresentar os indicadores para avaliação e monitoramento das ações de saúde bucal no Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS), propostos no período 2000-2017. MÉTODOS pesquisa documental de diretrizes governamentais para o monitoramento e avaliação em saúde bucal, realizada no sítio eletrônico do Ministério da Saúde; os indicadores foram classificados conforme as categorias de acesso ao cuidado, resolutividade e continuidade, e oferta de serviços. RESULTADOS os indicadores foram identificados nas diretrizes ‘Projeto de Metodologia de Avaliação de Desempenho dos Serviços de Saúde’, ‘Programa de Avaliação para a Qualificação do SUS’, ‘Programa Nacional de Melhoria do Acesso de Qualidade da Atenção Básica’ e ‘Índice de Desempenho do SUS’; a maioria refere-se ao acesso aos serviços e a resolutividade e continuidade do cuidado. CONCLUSÃO os indicadores de saúde bucal nas quatro diretrizes governamentais identificadas constituem subsídios importantes para a gestão; porém, é necessária a incorporação de novos indicadores para o efetivo monitoramento e avaliação das ações.BACKGROUND Neurological complaints are frequent in emergency department routine. Among them, headache is a common disorder, which requires a certain degree of knowledge on Neurology because of its extensive differential diagnosis. OBJECTIVE To assess general practice physicians' level of knowledge about headaches, in addition to outlining the profile of professionals who attend in emergency departments, as well as the profile of their respective workplaces in terms of neurological approach. METHODS We included in evaluation physicians who attend emergency care units for adult public as general practitioners. A questionnaire was applied with questions regarding participants' general knowledge on headache, neurological approach, demographic profile, and workplace profile. RESULTS 159 physicians answered the questionnaire. The professionals' profile corresponded to recently graduated individuals (mean of 6.31 years). Knowledge about headache management was regular. Those who do not have any specialization or are not majoring a specialization were statistically significantly more confident in neurological patients care (p=0.006). Only 18.24% reported access to Magnetic Resonance Imaging and 35.85% had no access to any type of neuroimaging. CONCLUSIONS General practice physicians often do not feel confident when performing neurological exams, demonstrating low knowledge about the topic. The profile of professionals working in these departments is predominantly of newly graduates, which may affect in some way on care quality. There was also a lack of structure for adequate care.OBJECTIVE Brain tumors are one of the most common causes of cancer-related deaths around the world. Angiogenesis is critical in high-grade malignant gliomas, such as glioblastoma multiforme. The aim of this study is to comparatively analyze the angiogenesis-related genes, namely VEGFA, VEGFB, KDR, CXCL8, CXCR1 and CXCR2 in LGG vs. GBM to identify molecular distinctions using datasets available on The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA). METHODS DNA sequencing and mRNA expression data for 514 brain lower grade glioma (LGG) and 592 glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) patients were acquired from The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA), and the genetic alterations and expression levels of the selected genes were analyzed. RESULTS We identified six distinct KDR mutations in the LGG patients and 18 distinct KDR mutations in the GBM patients, including missense and nonsense mutations, frame shift deletion and altered splice region. Furthermore, VEGFA and CXCL8 were significantly overexpressed within GBM patients. CONCLUSIONS VEGFA and CXCL8 are important factors for angiogenesis, which are suggested to have significant roles during tumorigenesis. Our results provide further evidence that VEGFA and CXCL8 could induce angiogenesis and promote LGG to progress into GBM. These findings could be useful in developing novel targeted therapeutics approaches in the future.OBJECTIVE To investigate the feasibility of a Brazilian samba protocol in individuals with Parkinson's disease. METHODS Twenty participants, mean age of 66.4±10.7 years, diagnosed with idiopathic Parkinson 's disease, divided into experimental group that received the intervention of Brazilian samba dance classes (10 individuals); and control group that maintained their routine activities (10 individuals). For data collection, a divided questionnaire was used General Information; Disability stages scale; Balance and Quality of Life. RESULTS During class implementation, there were no falls, as all dance activities adhered to the details of the protocol steps without any changes. On average, patients completed 82.7% of activities. After 12 weeks, the experimental group had improvements in the UPDRS global score, in daily activities, and on motor examination. There was also improvement in balance scores and in the mobility domain of the quality of life in the experimental group. CONCLUSION The samba protocol seems to be feasible and safe for patients with PD.