peak sound energy in ITD encoding; adaptation is equally effective in the model MSO. Maintaining adaptation in model SBCs, and adjusting membrane speed in model MSO neurons, 'left' and 'right' populations of computationally efficient, linear model SBCs and MSO neurons reproduce this stronger weighting of ITD conveyed during rising sound energy at 600 Hz compared to 200 Hz. This hemispheric population model demonstrates a link between strong weighting of spatial information during rising sound energy, and correct unambiguous lateralisation of a speech source in reverberation.Distinct histone modifications regulate gene expression in certain diseases, but little is known about histone epigenetics in middle ear cholesteatoma. It is known that histone acetylation destabilizes the nucleosome and chromatin structure and induces gene activation. The association of histone acetylation with chronic inflammatory diseases has been indicated in recent studies. In this study, we examined the localization of variously modified histone H3 acetylation at lysine 9, 14, 18, 23, and 27 in paraffin-embedded sections of human middle ear cholesteatoma (cholesteatoma) tissues and the temporal bones of an animal model of cholesteatoma immunohistochemically. As a result, we found that there was a significant increase of the expression levels of H3K27ac both in human cholesteatoma tissues and the animal model. In genetics, super-enhancers are clusters of enhancers that drive the transcription of genes involved in cell identity. Super-enhancers were originally defined using the H3K27ac signal, and then we used H3K27ac chromatin immunoprecipitation followed by sequencing to map the active cis-regulatory landscape in human cholesteatoma. Based on the results, we identified increased H3K27ac signals as super-enhancers of the FOXC2 loci, as well as increased protein of FOXC2 in cholesteatoma. Recent studies have indicated that menin-MLL inhibitor could suppress tumor growth through the control of histone H3 modification. In this study, we demonstrated that the expression of FOXC2 was inhibited by menin-MLL inhibitor in vivo. These findings indicate that FOXC2 expression under histone modifications promoted the pathogenesis of cholesteatoma and suggest that it may be a therapeutic target of cholesteatoma.Developmental dyslexia is most commonly associated with phonological processing difficulties. However, children with dyslexia may experience poor speech-in-noise perception as well. Although there is an ongoing debate whether a speech perception deficit is inherent to dyslexia or acts as an aggravating risk factor compromising learning to read indirectly, improving speech perception might boost reading-related skills and reading acquisition. In the current study, we evaluated advanced speech technology as applied in auditory prostheses, to promote and eventually normalize speech perception of school-aged children with dyslexia, i.e., envelope enhancement (EE). The EE strategy automatically detects and emphasizes onset cues and consequently reinforces the temporal structure of the speech envelope. Our results confirmed speech-in-noise perception difficulties by children with dyslexia. However, we found that exaggerating temporal "landmarks" of the speech envelope (i.e., amplitude rise time and modulations)-by using EE-passively and instantaneously improved speech perception in noise for children with dyslexia. Moreover, the benefit derived from EE was large enough to completely bridge the initial gap between children with dyslexia and their typical reading peers. Taken together, the beneficial outcome of EE suggests an important contribution of the temporal structure of the envelope to speech perception in noise difficulties in dyslexia, providing an interesting foundation for future intervention studies based on auditory and speech rhythm training.Cryopreservation causes decreased sperm fertility potential due to reactive oxygen species (ROS) production and physical-chemical damage, resulting in reduced sperm viability and motility. The addition of antioxidants to freezing media could protect sperm from cryo-damage, counteracting the harmful effects of ROS. The aim of this study was to assess the effects of curcumin supplementation in freezing medium on preventing cryo-damage in human semen. Semen samples collected from fertile men were cryopreserved in freezing medium supplemented with different concentrations of curcumin (2.5, 5, 10, and 20 μM). After freezing-thawing, sperm parameters, DNA fragmentation, intracellular ROS, and glutathione peroxidase 4 (GPX4) gene expression were evaluated. Supplementation with 20 μM curcumin in freezing medium caused increases in progressive and nonprogressive motility and significant reductions in intracellular ROS and DNA fragmentation in frozen-thawed sperm cells. Following cryopreservation, GPX4 mRNA expression was significantly upregulated in thawed semen supplemented with 20 μM curcumin compared to the control. The results showed that curcumin supplementation in freezing medium was protective against human sperm parameters and sperm DNA, counteracting oxidative damage induced by the freeze-thaw process. Previous literature has examined the societal costs of mental illness, but few studies have estimated the costs associated with mental well-being. In this study, a prospective analysis was conducted on Danish data to determine 1) the association between mental well-being (measured in 2016) and government expenditure in 2017, specifiallyhealthcare costs and sickness benefit transfers. Data stem from a Danish population-based survey of 3,508 adults (aged 16 + years) in 2016, which was linked to Danish registry data. A validated scale (WEMWBS) was used for the assessment of mental well-being. Costs are expressed in USD PPP. A two-part model was appliedto predict costs in 2017, adjusting for sociodemographics, health status (including psychiatric morbidity and health behaviour), as well ascosts in the previous year (2016). Each point increase in mental well-being (measured in 2016) was associated with lower healthcare costs ($- 42.5, 95% CI = $- 78.7, $- 6.3) and lower costs in terms of sickness benefit transfers ($- 23.