Clarifying the health risks associated with the consumption of high-melting-temperature solid triacylglycerol (TAG) from milk fat has profound significance for the nutritional evaluation and development of new dairy products. Our previous work effectively separated butterfat into solid/liquid fractions (30S and 30L) at 30 °C and successfully reconstituted milk fat globules (MFGs) with these fractions. The current study examined the postprandial digestive and daily metabolic properties of a high-melting-temperature solid TAG fraction by performing animal experiments (rats) with 30S-reconstituted MFG emulsion gavage for 240 min and 30S-containing diet administration for 4 weeks. Compared to the consumption of whole butterfat, 30S consumption altered apolipoprotein levels and did not lead to dyslipidaemia in the rats. Conversely, 30S administration induced significant body weight loss by enhancing satiety signals (glucagon-like peptide 1, GLP-1; cholecystokinin, CCK; and peptide YY, PYY), increasing faecal losses, and upregulating the level of hepatic lipolysis-associated enzymes (hormone-sensitive lipase, HSL; adipose triglyceride lipase, ATGL; and protein kinase A, PKA). The 30S diet efficiently improved adipocyte hypertrophy and reduced fat accumulation by downregulating the level of acetyl-CoA carboxylase (ACC) in adipose tissue. This study is of relevance to nutrition science and the dairy industry.Tadpole-like Janus nanotubes with controlled size are fabricated by a sol-gel reaction at the emulsion interface. Pd or Fe3O4 nanoparticles can be selectively captured into their cavities to obtain tadpole-like Janus Pd-nanotubes or tadpole-like Janus Fe3O4-nanotubes. They can be driven directionally by a chemical fuel or near-infrared (NIR) light.In the last decade, major conceptual advances in the chemistry of actinide molecules and materials have been made to demonstrate their distinct reactivity profiles as compared to lanthanide and transition metal compounds, but some difficult questions remain concerning the intriguing stability of low-valent actinide complexes, and the importance of the 5f-orbitals in reactivity and bonding. The imidazolin-2-iminato moiety has been extensively used in ligands for the advancement of actinide chemistry owing to its unique capability of stabilizing the reactive and highly electrophilic metal ions by virtue of its strong electron donation and steric tunability. The current review article describes recent developments in the chemistry of light actinide metal ions (thorium and uranium) bearing these N-heterocyclic iminato moieties as supporting ligands. In addition, the effect of ring expansion of the N-heterocycle on the catalytic aptitude of the organoactinides is also described herein. The synthesis and reactivity of actinide complexes bearing N-heterocyclic iminato ligands are presented, and promising apposite applications are also presented. The current review focuses on addressing the catalytic behavior of actinide complexes with oxygen-containing substrates such as in the Tishchenko reaction, hydroelementation processes, and polymerization reactions. Actinide complexes have also found new catalytic applications, as demonstrated by the potent chemoselective carbonyl hydroboration and tandem proton-transfer esterification (TPTE) reaction, featuring coupling between an aldehyde and alcohol.Cancer resistance has been the huge challenge to clinical treatment. A photothermal therapy of second near-infrared (NIR-II) organic dye small molecule has been used to conquer the cancer resistance. However, the available NIR-II dye lacks selectivity and spreads throughout the body. It has toxicity and indiscriminate burn injuries normal cells and tissues during therapy. Hence, to improve the therapeutic outcomes, herein, for the first time, we report the mannose-modified zwitterionic nanoparticles loading IR1048 dye, aiming to overcome cancer cellular resistance. The targeting molecule mannose has been applied to modify zwitterionic polyester, and the obtained polyester is employed to load IR1048 to prolong the circulation time in the blood and improve the stability of loaded dye, due to the good cytocompatibility of polyester and the antifouling properties of zwitterions. In vitro experimental results show that the pH-responsive targeted nanoparticles display satisfactory photophysical properties, prominent photothermal conversion efficiency (44.07%), excellent photothermal stability, negligible cytotoxicity for normal cells and strong photothermal toxicity to drug-resistant cancer cells. Moreover, due to the mannose targeting effect, cancer cells can endocytose the nanoparticles effectively. All these results demonstrate potential application of this alternative hyperthermal delivery system with remote-controllable photothermal therapy of tumor for accurate diagnosis by NIR-II fluorescence imaging.Molecular dynamics simulations have been performed on a highly viscous (η ∼ 255 cP) naturally abundant deep eutectic solvent (NADES) composed of glucose, urea and water in a weight ratio of 6  4  1 at 328 K. The simulated system contains 66 glucose, 111 water and 133 urea molecules. A neat system with 256 water molecules has also been simulated. In this study, the water structure and dynamics in a crowded environment have been investigated by computing inter-species radial distribution functions (RDFs), quantitative and qualitative analyses of intra-species water H-bonds, heterogeneity timescales from the anomalous mean square displacements, and two-point and four-point density-time correlation functions. The simulated structures indicate asymmetric interactions between water and glucose molecules, and considerable water-clustering. In addition, a dramatic distortion of the orientational order has been reflected. A severe decrease in the average number of water-water H-bonds and the corresponding participation of water molecules have been detected, although the water H-bond length distribution does not differ much from that for the neat system. The participation populations of water for H-bonding with itself and the other two species have been expressed by constructing a pi-chart. Only ∼16% of the total water molecules have been found to be simultaneously H-bonded with glucose and urea molecules. A qualitative picture of water clustering has been proposed through the interpretation of the observed drastic deviation of water angle distributions. Centre-of-mass translations and structural H-bond relaxations have been found to be significantly slowed down relative to those in neat water. Evidence of hop-trap movements for DES water has been found.