In addition, the expression of the 12 hub genes showed a significantly positive correlation with the expression of cell proliferation marker Ki-67 in BC. In summary, our study has identified 12 hub genes associated with the progression and prognosis of BC; these hub genes might lead to poor outcomes by regulating the cell division and cell cycle. These hub genes may serve as a biomarker and help to distinguish different pathological stages for BC patients.Methanobrevibacter ruminantium M1 (MRU) is a rod-shaped rumen methanogen with the ability to use H2 and CO2, and formate as substrates for methane formation in the ruminants. Enteric methane emitted from this organism can also be influential to the loss of dietary energy in ruminants and humans. To date, there is no successful technology to reduce methane due to a lack of knowledge on its molecular machinery and 73% conserved hypothetical proteins (HPs; operome) whose functions are still not ascertained perceptively. To address this issue, we have predicted and assigned a precise function to HPs and categorize them as metabolic enzymes, binding proteins, and transport proteins using a combined bioinformatics approach. The results of our study show that 257 (34%) HPs have well-defined functions and contributed essential roles in its growth physiology and host adaptation. The genome-neighborhood analysis identified 6 operon-like clusters such as hsp, TRAM, dsr, cbs and cas, which are responsible for protein folding, sudden heat-shock, host defense, and protection against the toxicities in the rumen. The functions predicted from MRU operome comprised of 96 metabolic enzymes with 17 metabolic subsystems, 31 transcriptional regulators, 23 transport, and 11 binding proteins. Functional annotation of its operome is thus more imperative to unravel the molecular and cellular machinery at the systems-level. The functional assignment of its operome would advance strategi