The cryo-EM structure, combined with small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS), also allowed us to predict the general position of the Dimerization/Docking (D/D) domain, which is essential for localization and interacting with membrane-anchored A-Kinase-Anchoring Proteins (AKAPs). This position provides a multivalent mechanism for interaction of the RIIβ holoenzyme with membranes and would be perturbed in the oncogenic fusion protein. The J-domain also alters several biochemical properties of the RIIβ holoenzyme It is easier to activate with cAMP, and the cooperativity is reduced. These results provide new insights into how the finely tuned allosteric PKA signaling network is disrupted by the oncogenic J-C subunit, ultimately leading to the development of FL-HCC.Under the background of excess capacity and energy saving in iron and steel enterprises, the hot rolling batch scheduling problem based on energy saving is a multi-objective and multi constraint optimization problem. In this paper, a hybrid multi-objective prize-collecting vehicle routing problem (Hybrid Price Collect Vehicle Routing Problem, HPCVRP) model is established to ensure minimum energy consumption, meet process rules, and maximize resource utilization. A two-phase Pareto search algorithm (2PPLS) is designed to solve this model. The improved MOEA/D with a penalty based boundary intersection distance (PBI) algorithm (MOEA/D-PBI) is introduced to decompose the HPCVRP in the first phase. In the second phase, the multi-objective ant colony system (MOACS) and Pareto local search (PLS) algorithm is used to generate approximate Pareto-optimal solutions. The final solution is then selected according to the actual demand and preference. In the simulation experiment, the 2PPLS is compared with five other algorithms, which shows the superiority of 2PPLS. Finally, the experiment was carried out on actual slab data from a steel plant in Shanghai. The results show that the model and algorithm can effectively reduce the energy consumption in the process of hot rolling batch scheduling.Reasoning about the factors underlying habitat connectivity and the inter-habitat movement of species is essential to many areas of biological inquiry. In order to better describe and understand the ways in which the landscape may support species movement, an increasing amount of research has focused on identification of paths or corridors that may be important in providing connectivity among habitat. The least-cost path problem has proven to be an instrumental analytical tool in this sense. A complicating aspect of such path identification methods is how to best reconcile and integrate the array of criteria or objectives that species may consider in traversal of a landscape. In cases where habitat connectivity is thought to be influenced or guided by multiple objectives, numerous solutions to least-cost path problems can exist, representing tradeoffs between the objectives. In practice though, identification of these solutions can be very challenging and as such, only a small proportion of them are typicallyjectives are thought to contribute to movement decisions and that the number of unsupported efficient solutions (which are typically ignored) can vastly outweigh that of the supported efficient solutions.Sesuvium portulacastrum is a well-known halophyte with considerable Cd accumulation and tolerance under high Cd stress. This species is also considered as a good candidate of Cd phytoremediation in the polluted soils. However, the mechanism of Cd accumulation, distribution and fractionation in different body parts still remain unknown. Seedlings of Sesuvium portulacastrum were studied hydroponically under exposure to a range of Cd concentrations (50 μM or μmol/L to 600 μM or μmol/L) for 28 days to investigate the potential accumulation capability and tolerance mechanisms of this species. Cd accumulation in roots showed that the bio-concentration factor was > 10, suggesting a strong ability to absorb and accumulate Cd. Cd fractionation in the aboveground parts showed the following order of distribution soluble fraction > cell wall > organelle > cell membrane. In roots, soluble fraction was mostly predominant than other fractions. Cd speciation in leaves and stems was mainly contained of sodium chloride and deionised water extracted forms, suggesting a strong binding ability with pectin and protein as well as with organic acids. In the roots, inorganic form of Cd was dominant than other forms of Cd. It could be suggested that sodium chloride, deionised water and inorganic contained form of Cd are mainly responsible for the adaption of this plant in the Cd stress environment and alleviating Cd toxicity.The Egyptian or Common spiny mouse (A. cahirinus) is the first rodent species to show human-like menstruation and spontaneous decidualisation. We consider from these, and its other, human-like characteristics that this species will be a more useful and appropriate small animal model for human reproductive studies. Based on this, there is a need to develop specific laboratory-based assisted reproduction protocols including superovulation, in-vitro fertilisation, embryo cryopreservation and transfer to expand and make this model more relevant. Because standard rodent superovulation has not been successful in the spiny mouse, we have selected to test a human protocol. Female spiny mice will receive a subcutaneous GnRH agonist implant and be allowed to recover. Menstrual cycle lengths will then be allowed to stabilize prior to ovarian stimulation. After recovery, females will be injected IP once a day for 4 days with a FSH analogue, to induce follicular growth, and on day 5 will be injected IP with a hCG analogue to trigger ovulation. Females will either be culled 36hrs after trigger to collect oocytes or immediately paired with a stud male and two cell embryos collected 48hrs later. Mature oocytes will be inseminated using fresh spiny mouse spermatozoa and all in-vitro grown and in-vivo collected two cell embryos will be cryopreserved using methods developed in a close spiny mouse relative, the Mongolian gerbil. For embryo transfer, vitrified embryos will be rapidly warmed and non-surgically transferred to surrogate mice. Surrogates will be monitored until pregnancy is apparent (roughly 30 days) and then left undisturbed until birth, 38-40 days after transfer. By successfully developing robust assisted reproduction protocols in A. cahirinus we will be able to use this rodent as a more effective model for human reproduction.