Heat-based processes are used for solid electrolyte and electrode manufacturing, while spray-based processes are only used for electrode processing. Amongst these techniques, hot-pressing and melt processing were revealed to be the most used alternatives for both polymer-based electrolytes and electrodes. These two techniques are versatile and can be used in the processing of fillers with a wide range of morphologies and loadings.Thyroid cancer is not just a common type of cancer, it is the most frequently diagnosed endocrine malignancy worldwide [...]. Healthy women of reproductive age have a vaginal pH around 4.5, whereas little is known about pH in the upper genital tract. A shift in the vaginal microbiota may result in an elevated pH in the upper genital tract. This might contribute to decreased fertility and increased risk of preterm birth. Therefore, we aimed to measure pH in different compartments of the female genital tract in both nonpregnant and pregnant women, stratifying into a normal and abnormal vaginal microbiota. In this descriptive study, we included 6 nonpregnant, 12 early-pregnant, and 8 term-pregnant women. A pH gradient was recorded with a flexible pH probe. An abnormal vaginal microbiota was diagnosed by a quantitative polymerase chain reaction technique for ; ; ; bacterial vaginosis-associated bacterium 1, 2, 3, and TM7; and spp. among others. In all participants we found the pH gradient in the lower reproductive canal to be most acidic in the lower vagina and most alkaline in the upper uterine cavity. Women with an abnormal vaginal microbiota had an increased pH in the lower vagina compared to the other groups. There is a pronounced pH gradient within the female genital tract. This gradient is not disrupted in women with an abnormal vaginal microbiota. There is a pronounced pH gradient within the female genital tract. This gradient is not disrupted in women with an abnormal vaginal microbio